Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Decidedly nippy this morning. Angus ventures out and then returns for a sweater to put over his shirt. A foretaste of autumn. Above us the sky already covered with a warp and weave of contrails - aircraft heading due south taking sun starved northern Europeans to the beaches of Spain and Portugal. Crossing them at right angles a dozen early arriving trans-Atlantic flights. They roll in , one after the other, thirty seconds apart.

The farmer next door has started to look after horses while their owners go away on holiday. Three new vacationers contentedly chew away on the lush grass while watching Bob and Angus saunter past.

Bob and Sophie munch on Damsons.

Both PONs are in a good place.


WFT Nobby said...

Lovely later summer dawn photos.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Don't blame them... it is similarly 'nippy' up here too... YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

When I see your photos, I wish that Inca and I could join you on your morning walk. We just have to be content ambling round the block, which lacks the excitement of seeing horses and deer, and all manner of furry creatures. 22ÂșC inside and out about an hour ago, but the clear sky forecasts another very hot day...

Heda said...

Nippy? Minus 3 degrees celcius here this morning, Wish I had a dog to enjoy it with. Lovely photo of the horses against the sky.

MOPL said...

Heda where in Australia are you?

MOPL said...

The seasons seem to pass so quickly or is just that life is moving faster or is it we are no longer young like Bob and Sophie?

Swan said...

It's interesting how half way through August there's a feeling in the air of Fall. The Light changes and suddenly you know it's the end of summer. I love the picture of the horses.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We've had one morning without a jacket and gloves. Seasons are turning.