The first day of the new month is bright and sunny but there's a bite to the wind that hints that snow and frost are on their way. Winter wear is brought out for our morning walk. Within weeks the hilltops on the far side of the bay will be dusted with white. The cheerful ladies who go sea water swimming in the pool below the castle may have to rethink their routine. Last year at this time we were beset with huge storms. This year the weather has been cloudless and calm. Can it continue ? The students seem to be oblivious to the climate and are happy wearing tee shirts.
Seems that something is happening in American politics next week. One of the local professors has views about it that drop into the inbox this morning : . I'm always slightly nervous about commentators on this side of the pond trying to call events on the other. The two continents are very different places. We'll know whether he's right soon enough although 'unpredictable' seems to be as good a description as any.
You know it's nearing Christmas when e-mails advertising tree decorations arrive :
Intimate annoyance. Despite the gushy prose this was rather fun :
Dolly Parton has launched her own wine label :