Near seven am on a bright Tuesday morning. We have the town to ourselves bar a few dog walkers and the Sainsbury's staff unloading the morning deliveries. It goes without saying no self respecting student would be up and about this early.

We say hello to the cleaning ladies getting off the bus from Dundee. They are the same ones who used to chat away to Sophie in Polish. " When you get more Owczareks ? " they ask. There is something calm and timeless about the cathedral as the sun rises behind it. Post graduate students live in the medieval building facing it. Do they know they have one of the most iconic views in Europe ? Do they even notice it ? An American hedge fund manager has just bought a house that he plans to move into later this year. The house may be small but it looks over the castle on one side and the cathedral on the other. This is the sort of view money can't buy - although in this case it has. From the scaffolding I'd guess no expense is being spared. The road and pavement outside has been dug up so that new fibre optic cables can be installed. Traffic cones have been laid out so the workmen can park their vehicles. This suspension of their parking bays annoys the local residents no end. I'm not convinced the work will be finished by year end. The hedge fund manager may find seasonal good will is in short supply.

After a long, 6,000 step, walk on the beach we wander towards Starbucks and then to the book store to pick up a copy of Patriot. What sort of bravery does it take to walk back into the Lions den ?
Heading out on the road that leads to The last wee house before Denmark we pass a cottage that is well prepared for Halloween. The figures have lights inside them that will provide a truly spectral presence for the apple dookin.
Yesterday afternoon our progress home was delayed by a dozen young quail. They had never seen a car before and are happy to walk slowly along the track ahead of us. It requires 'The Font' to get out before they take the hint and fly off.This Springstein song was on the car radio this morning. Neither of us can remeber hearing it before :