The electrician returns with the replacement BMW battery charging unit. To his irritation - and ours - the new one doesn't work either. Looks like we will continue to be petrol driven until the New Year.
Sunday morning. The dog walkers are out on the beach by the pier. Dogs and humans seem oblivious to the 60 mph winds. In fact the dogs seem to think a gale is the perfect way to start a day. The gusts reached 80 mph last night and whistled and banged the gutters at the last wee house before Denmark like a heavy footed dervish.
Hard to upstage the pageantry of this. The use of mobile phones is notable. Christmas music #20 :
The photos don't do it justice but this if the first mosque to be designed by a woman. It is very beautiful and , on the inside, ethereally peaceful ( which is what I guess any religious space should be or at least aim for ) :
An interesting piece of writing - included here for its novelty - that looks at how literature, 'halucigenic' AI and a dead Mexican poet describe the moon :
This seemed a sensible Italian take on China :