Monday, December 16, 2024

Christmas music # 14


It's that quiet lull before the full force of Christmas mania hits. There's not much for a daily blogger to observe. Today there are a few student runners down on the sand by the harbour. Some are wearing red Santa hats. This suggests a late to finish party or an early starting one. There again the youngsters could be among the lucky ones for whom today is the last day of exams. That alone would be a good enough reason to run along the beach in a Santa hat.

By the slipway the dog walkers are returning from their morning promenade. The dog walkers are  absolute constants in a changing world. Whatever the season this group of retirees proceed from the pier to the Marine Laboratory and back. They're  followed by a group of happy mutts. ' Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds'.

Someone has attached a small tray to a lamp post. Dogs - and their owners - are now offered a free ball or treat to get their day off to a rousing start.

A heron stands on the mud flats by the lock gates. It ignores us.

When we make it to the main beach we note that there's a line of frost on the sand. The sewage pipe is still being installed on the golf course. Will it, as promised,  be completed this week ?

So starts a Monday morning in a quiet North Sea town in the run-up to Christmas. Later today there is a Christmas tree decorating competition in the church nave. The poster informs us that the competition will take place subject to the availability of volunteers to open and close the church premises. The poster somewhat whimsically states that corporate sponsorship is available at £100 a tree. 

Christmas music #14  :

Things that are unexpected in the 21st century. The local regiment - and their mascot the pony - marching off for a Christmas service :

Sensible :

1 comment:

jabblog said...

Dogs and a pony are a perfect introduction to a new week.