Friday, February 7, 2025

Some quotes never go out of fashion.

The sunrise highlights a quotation on an old courtyard wall. 'The Font' informs me its a quote from Tennyson. I pretend to know this although to be entirely truthful I'd have to admit that I knew it once but, like so many things, I've subsequently forgotten it.  Some quotes never go out of fashion.

We've been to a breakfast where a figure in the last US administration gives his views on the world. He says that the unravelling of USAID is the cause of rejoicing in Beijing. He actually says that ' champagne corks are popping in Zhongnanhai ' but Angus isn't entirely convinced that China's leadership are big on champagne celebrations. The students at the breakfast ask remarkably adult questions which again makes me unashamedly optimistic about the future. Everyone can agree that the old order is changing.

51 years ago as a student Angus discovered that steak pies were something he could cook - or at least warm up. As he pops into the butcher for some fillet steak, he is delighted to find that they are still being made. 

A couple and their labrador are enjoying breakfast at the Brewdog by the roundabout. The labrador doesn't seem entirely happy to be out on the pavement when he could be enjoying the warmth inside. His glumness may also have something to do with not being invited to share in his family's bacon rolls.

Further down the road a young woman is first in the queue at the Shawarma House. 

So starts a bright but chilly Friday morning in a small, quiet town by the North Sea.

I'd like to go here:

Is this the future ? :

Bob Marley on the BBC this morning as we drive back up the hill :

Idiosyncratic electrical engineering :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Big Marley fan here - ta for that. Oz friends of mine (three diff ones) have all raved about their Vietnam visits, so I understand the appeal of it for you. I'm not so sure about the changing of 'orders' - rather, it's a case of recycling... YAM xx

Travel said...

We sincerely apologize for the weird governance taking place, even far righters are starting to say, this has gone too far.

Lisa in France said...

I am very glad that what you heard from the students at the breakfast gave you cause for optimism. It's a good counterpoint to the piece from the Point that you linked the other day. And Bob Marley is always a cause for optimism in dark times. And I was interested to learn that Brewdog is a place where one can have breakfast.

Jake of Florida said...

Loved hearing Bob Marley. Too.much "changeath" going on right now for my sanity and for millions of others worldwide.