Saturday, February 1, 2025

Welcome to February.


First light and we have a visitor.  The wet and muddy paws are a clue that someone has already been down on the beach chasing the Shags. Life for village dogs is good. In fact it's more than good - it's wonderful and made even more wonderful by some slivers of buttered toast. Our visitor disappears when she hears her owners dog whistle. 

The local plant shop has a huge collection of snowdrops. It's their specialty and keeps them busy in February and early March. I'm always surprised at the price people will pay for a pot of snowdrops. The walk through the woodland to the church already carpeted in them.

The new portable sauna now up and running. It is , as the beach warden forecast, proving to be extremely popular with students. Perhaps that's why it's called a 'Wild Scottish Sauna'.

The tide far, far out today. The rugby team have discovered that if they run in groups of three, rather than as a cohort, they can avoid the enthusiastic attention of the local dogs out on their morning walk. Last night France beat Wales 43-0 in the first match of the six nations rugby championship. This is a surprise to the local rugby playing crowd  It does not auger well for Scotlands chances.

I pop into the book shop to pick up a book that's been on order for the last three weeks. A local lady is up a ladder looking for something interesting on 17th century Spain. She greets me with a cheerful ' It's a lovely day ' as I head to the cash desk. I've never seen a customer up the bookstores ladders before. 

Angus retreats to Starbucks with his new book. A few weeks ago we were the only people in Starbucks. Now its packed solid with talkative students and townsfolk coming out of hibernation.

So starts a quiet Saturday morning at the start of a new month. What happened to January ? To say it raced by would be an understatement.

In memoriam:

We can still build beautifully. Charleston my favourite :

Where history meets politics . If you want to understand America today it's worth reading this. The third para from the end lays the blame fairly and squarely on the border folk :

Unexpected and charming. The Hornpipe:


potty said...

You can't just dig 'em up from the woods in order to start one's own colony in the garden. I must have spent a few pounds (and Euros) on Snowdrops and Lilly of the Valley !

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Awwww, Puppy....

MF was unique. I like the refurb of the Wellington building... and I had seen that hornpipe in my feed a couple of weeks back - very entertaining! Now to go read the bigger article... YAM xx

waterdog said...

Today’s links are a marked contrast to the snowdrops!

Stephanie said...

Thank you for a delightful post beginning with Puppy's bright face. I'm impressed she responded to her whistle. But I'm sorry to learn that Marianne Faithfull is gone.

Lisa in France said...

That article about the border people was fascinating. It was my mother's fiercely-held belief that the worst possible thing a person could do was "act like a hillbilly". I've never been sure where she got that, but her father was a hard-drinking, hard-living Scottish emigrant, so maybe there's a connection? When I was telling my husband about the article this morning, he was disappointed because it goes against his theory that the Trump folks are somehow trying to recreate the Wild West of John Wayne, but rereading it, maybe it's Wild Appalachia this time. I got so wrapped up in that article that I almost missed the Hornpipe, but luckily not!

Travel said...

43 to 0, that is a resounding score.

Anonymous said...

Being a Southern Californian, I've never seen a snowdrop. They are charming!

Anonymous said...

The Ablitt House in Santa Barbara strongley reminds me of the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna:
Grüße aus Bayern, Barbara

jabblog said...

The hornpipe was lively and entertaining - wonderful!