Monday, October 29, 2018

Forget the 'g'.

There was a time when you asked a 'barrista' for a standard coffee and that's what you got. These days it's altogether more difficult. In some places it's a long espresso. Elsewhere it's an Americano. Sometimes it's a Flat Black. More often than not it's none of these. Could this irritation with ordering coffee be another sign I've turned into my father ?

The golden rule of visiting America. Never, ever, give the staff in Starbucks your real name. Better to call yourself something simple like Chuck or Chip so they can write it on the cup. A special hats off to the staff at the Georgetown branch who tried their level best to deal with the intricacies of spelling 'Angus'. They nearly got it right - but forgot the 'g'. A post dinner cause of much mirth.

A great edition of Scientific American.

Sophie now has a complete array of bedding on the kitchen floor. Her winter arrangement for keeping those metal knees warm while watching dinner being prepared. Much of the country had snow yesterday. We were spared.

There's talk that France will stick with one 'unified'  time throughout the year. After yesterdays clock change Bob woke me with a cold wet ear in my nose at 4:57 am. He returned again at 5:13. The sooner we give up changing the clock the better.

A classic for a Monday morning -  which, if the PONs enthusiasm is anything to go by, is almost certainly going to be the best day ever :


Poppy Q said...

I am surprised to hear that their was a struggle with your name - missing the g is rather unfortunate. My brother always uses Elvis as his name at such establishments.

WFT Nobby said...

The missing 'g' just prompted a coffee (Americano/flat black/long espresso) spluttering moment.
We're off to buy the Scientific American!

Taste of France said...

Perhaps the name you should use is "Bob"--they'll get it right even if they spell it backwards.
In NY I preferred to buy my coffee from the little pushcarts outside every office building. "A coffee" was with milk and sugar by default, and I'd have to specify no sugar, except at the cart outside my office, where the vendor already knew my order AND my name.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I think part of the problem with your missing "g" is that people don't listen ... A sign I've turned into my Mother!

I just read an article about dogs being able to sense what time it is. They should have interviewed you for the study.

10NISNE1 said...

I think I just woke my neighbors with my loud outburst of laughter! Starbucks can be a pain in the ass! ;)

liparifam said...

Great Starbucks story :) Just love that Dolly! Most people don't realize what what a smart, witty, talented woman - and successful and wealthy businesswoman - she is. Some of my favorites among her sayings:

The way I see it, If you want the rainbow sometimes you gotta put up with the rain

How long does it take to do my hair? I don't know — I'm never there!

I patterned myself after this woman that was the town tramp back home. She had blond hair and high heels and red fingernails and lips, and to me she was like what movie stars were to other kids. We'd see her, and I'd say, "Oh, look, she's got plastic goldfish in her heels!" and my mama would say, "She ain't nothin' but trash, nothin' but trash," and I thought, "Ooh, that's what I'm gonna be when I grow up — trash!"

I'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that I can do something else.

I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb… and I also know that I'm not blonde!

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
My name causes all sorts of consternation when anyone has to spell it - but that will never be in such an establishment as am allergic to coffee! YAM xx

Emm said...

Dolly doesn't change, but you can date the videos by the haircuts on the backup musicians.
I was wondering, with some trepidation, what the week will bring, but with her words in mind I shall set forth.

Unknown said...

We were ordering a birthday cake while camping at Harrison Hot Springs in BC! We asked for Happy Birthday Bob, her reply was is Boa for the name. Poor Bob from that day he was known as Boa. Funny how nicknames start.