Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Coffee Emporium and Christmas music #12

We're fast approaching the winter solstice. When we get down onto the beach it's still dark. A few excited South African golfers are clustered around the clubhouse entrance but it will be a good hour before the greenkeepers let them onto the sacred turf.  They ask where they can get a coffee and wander off towards the ever reliable ( and early opening ) Starbucks. One of their number is left in the cold to guard their clubs. The towns capacity to absorb new coffee shops seems limitless. This week a Cafe Nero has opened on the site of the expensively trendy ( and rapidly defunct ) clothing store and the old Clydesdale Bank building is undergoing a major renovation that will see it emerge as a ' Coffee Emporium '. Bizarrely, all the coffee shops are full to bursting ( super early mornings excepted ) no matter what time of day you visit.

Twenty minutes later it's getting brighter and the lights are coming on in town. The man left to guard the golf clubs is still waiting for his friends - and his coffee - to reappear.

Today we see a few students heading off towards the bus station dragging wheelie bags behind them. They're off to catch the fast 8:29 LNER to London. These are the lucky ones who have finished their exams early. A large poster hints that others will be combining partying with their test schedules. We note that parties start at 10:30 and finish at 3:00. The fact we both comment on this is a sign that somewhere along the line a  hot beverage and an early night became  much more attractive than staying up until the small hours.

Lit from below by the rising sun the clouds as we drive home are the deepest salmon pink and are quite remarkable. Northern winters may be cold but they have their compensations.

Suits and ties and saris. Christmas music #12 from Eli Yales church in Chennai : and this is the marvellous old church building that links India and Connecticut  :

Farming got more complicated:

Deep sleep and memory :


Coppa's girl said...

A beautiful sunrise, well worth rising early. Clouds make for such a dramatic dawn.

jabblog said...

Glorious sunrise.
It was interesting to learn about the origins of Yale.

Stephanie said...

Glorious skies. The farming article is interesting. "Demon possessed" tractors took me back to Bob and Sophie's conviction that the vacuum cleaner was the "spawn of Satan."

Travel said...

The starting time for those parties, is past my bedtime.

Lisa in France said...

Lovely music from Chennai and a fascinating story. I went to Yale for law school, but I had no idea. Your photos today are spectacular.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Angus, your cloud photos today are magical!