Monday, January 27, 2025

Up and running.


The students are back, the weather is clear and after the storm the old town has been tidied up and is once again looking at its best. 

While 'The Font' goes to a concert in the music centre Angus ventures into a pub. He used to visit the same pub for breakfast every morning 50 years ago. In those student days he would start his day with a steak pie and a pint of IPA.  Half a century on and the thought of beer and a steak pie for breakfast is no longer enticing.....or wise. Two third year  students at the counter are lamenting the fact that they've chosen to major in a subject that has a nine am lecture on their very first day back.  " Nothing like being thrown in at the deep end " says one as he orders a second round. Their early starting professor is referred to as an 'ogre' which seems mild in comparison with some of the terms they could have called him.

On the wall of the pub there's a photograph of the local Home Guard on parade in 1940. The caption underneath makes it clear they'd had a reviving pint here before setting off.

This morning another northern sunrise. The colours are glorious but don't quite reach the  awesome level we saw in the skies before the storm.

Seville oranges make a seasonal appearnce in the farm shop. It's the annual Scottish marmalade making season.

Why we downsized to a smaller car. Owners of the Edinburgh airport multi-storey please take note :

Sub-Saharan Africa :

Northern England :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Rising in St Cyrus this morning is more traditional - rain and haar. Hey ho... YAM xx

jabblog said...

Beer first thing in the morning sounds dreadful!

Travel said...

The tales those walls can tell, when we listen.

Lisa in France said...

The article about Northern England was very interesting - it's something I've wondered about.