Saturday, January 18, 2025

Wind blown.

Overnight the wind has blown down the safety barriers around the trench that's being dug for the new electricity cable. The area outside the kebab shop looks like a war zone. The traffic lights seem to have stopped working in sympathy. This would be a problem if there was any traffic. Angus wonders aloud how anyone could have been daft enough to have not secured the barriers with weights. Angus has now reached a happy age where thoughts about the 'stupidity' of municipal employees are frequently voiced aloud.

The Texan tenants arrive on Monday for the new semester. 'The Font' has been in to the 'Wee House in town ' to turn the heating up to Maximum. Its been empty since before Christmas so everything is given a quick check to make sure it's working. The cleaning ladies have also been in. They were in two weeks ago to do a thorough clean so they can't have had much to do.

A dog is very keen to take its owners into the cheese shop. It stares at the Gorgonzola in the window while making a frustrated high pitched whine. 

The souvenir shop windows are now freshly dressed and  ready for the Spring tourist season.

Sheep and Highland Cattle are once again the epitome of the Scottish zeitgeist.

The Chinese economy ( improbably ) claims to have grown at 5% last year. If so a large portion of the growth must be down to the manufacture and export of plastic bagpipe playing figures. Mel Gibson as William Wallace has also made has indelible mark on the popular consciousness. I have no idea how much these things cost but I'd guess its a huge multiple of what they're worth.

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