Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Longer days.

His Majestys Chief Inspector of Prisons is on the radio this morning with a  report that drones are being used to smuggle drugs and mobile phones to Category A prisoners in maximum security gaols. Drones are now so sophisticated that they can deliver contraband direct to designated cells: https://news.sky.com/story/use-of-drones-to-fly-weapons-into-prisons-has-become-a-threat-to-national-security-watchdog-warns-13288237  We listen to the report in 'whatever will they think of next ?' silence. 

The days getting noticeably longer now.  A month ago it was pitch dark at seven thirty in the morning. Now it's light - or at least an approximation of it -  when we head out of the front door at seven.  We're greeted by quite a sunrise this morning. From the depth of the colours swirling above us I'd guess that high overhead a warm front and a cold front are battling it out.

The Hebridean sheep grazing on the shore seem to be unbothered by the weather. By their standards the climate here must be absolutely balmy.

One of the shop fronts in town is being repainted. They've chosen a rather old fashioned green for the paintwork ... which works rather well. The shop still has those old fashioned window blinds that can be pulled down. I wonder if they'll renovate them ? Not so long ago all the shops had them. Now many have been ripped out.

A heron stands on the silt in the harbour and watches the world go by. A few ducks keep it company. Without the students  the place seems deserted. A fair proportion of the shops and cafes sensibly take their annual holidays between Christmas and the end of January when the new semester starts and the  youngsters return. This makes 'dining out' a challenge. Later today we shall drive back into town and pick up the copy of Kevin Rudds new book on Xi Jinping :https://thediplomat.com/2024/10/kevin-rudd-on-xi-jinping/

What an amazing voice. Tuesday mornings music on the car radio :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AK2-f_H3rY

This explanation pf what's happening in LA was concise :https://www.city-journal.org/article/la-wildfires-cause-california-risk

A Canadian thinks about Canada :https://jaymartin.substack.com/p/has-canada-become-a-jamaican-bobsled


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Thank you for the Rudd interview - a proper politician, possibly the last proper PM that OZ had, but much too nice a fellow to survive the cut and thrust. As an expat Aussie, I also appreciated the fire article... and although very sympathetic to those who have been so severely affected, do wonder at the news focus there when OZ has dealt with such blazes on an annual basis for centuries. Much of that article has been understood down under for a very long time. YAM xx

Anonymous said...

Many people in California also understand these things, for what it’s worth.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

What an amazing sunrise!

Lisa in France said...

Californians do understand, although they always rebuild nonetheless. We sold our home in Northern California last year, but I am still on the mailing list for the fire watch. A huge amount of effort going into brush clearing, house hardening, etc., and then there's always the reminder to have your "go bag" packed and ready.

Diaday said...

What a brilliant display of color to greet the day!

waterdog said...

An interesting variety of subjects to ponder throughout the day.

rottrover said...

yes, we do. And, these were the strongest winds I've experienced in my 70+ years in Los Angeles. Also, I learned in my 8th grade science class that chaparral needs to burn every 50 years. Hard to do in such a populous environment.

rottrover said...

The new green paint on the shop is perfect!