Friday, January 31, 2025

Sofas and birthday parties.

Only one topic of conversation on the radio this morning. The breakfast programme journalists can understand the control tower in Washington was short staffed but  find it embarrassingly difficult to fathom out what DEI has to do with it. The implicit assumption is that aircraft disasters are simply not the thing that politicians would ever be expected to comment on other than to unite the country around praying for the victims and their families. Judgements are what accident investigators are for. " Of course we've sadly not been blessed with politicians that are omniscient " says one pundit with the faintest undertone of what might, or might not be, comparative  irony.

Down to Edinburgh ... and back. The trains run on time. In fact the return journey sees us arriving three minutes early.  Parking at the station is 60p a day. Can't be many stations where 24 hours parking is less than £1.

It's sunny all the way which makes the small storm battered fishing villages look uncharacteristically inviting.

The up escalators at Waverley station aren't working. The up escalators at Waverly are never working. The down ones never have a problem. Go figure.

Angus goes off to see a sofa making man about a sofa. All he has to do is agree a price and a timetable for delivery.

What should have been a ten minute visit turns into an hours ordeal of trying out cushion fillings to judge their hardness. Whoever knew cushions came in so many varieties of firmness ? The workshop is tidy which may indicate the man works alone. He tells me he's been building sofas for 40 years and all - bar one lost in a house fire - are still doing what they were designed to do.

From the back of a cab on my way to join 'The Font' I see a cafe serving coffee, porridge and cake. Add on bacon rolls and you'd have the essence of Scotland.

Gordon Ramsays on St Andrews Square does a £20 two course lunch. Sea Bream with steamed vegetables  for 'The Font' and a steak and chips for me. There's Apple Crumble to follow. We're in and out in 45 minutes which means we can get the 1:30 train north. Six identikit Scottish ladies are at the next table. It's the eightieth birthday of one of them. Her name is Jessie and she's come in from Falkirk. All are wearing their party outfits.  A bottle of wine is ordered and then a second. By the time we're leaving a third is on its way amid expressions of ' I shouldn't but I will '. The six ladies were happy when they arrived and are well on course to be even happier when they leave. 

Recommended by a Professor at Columbia. Slightly out of tune but very French. The violins are great  :

India through Indian eyes :

Is this unexpected ? :

The bizarre restaurant reviewer tries a Scottish chain with outlets in London, Tokyo and Bangkok. Who has ever heard of a Scottish restaurant chain ? Bars yes but restaurants ?  Irn Bru makes an appearance :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
That was a full and useful day out by the sound of it! Here's to the sofa meeting expectation... YAM xx

jabblog said...

There's too much choice in everything these days. Maybe there should be more Henry Ford choices.

waterdog said...

I absolutely hate purchasing large items these days whether it be a sofa, a refrigerator or a car. As Jabblog said, “Too many choices” to say nothing of the salesmen pushing the item. Today’s links were very interesting. I especially enjoyed the article about life comparisons in India as well as the Scottish breakfast feature.

Travel said...

The older we get the easier it should be to say, why not?

Anonymous said...

Your first photo looks like a water color :)

William Schmitt said...

“A terrible thing happened. All he had to do is go out there and say, ‘This is a tragedy,’ offer some comfort to the families, to the military families, promise to get to the bottom of it. But he can’t do that, because he’s callous, he’s racist, he’s sexist, and, most of all, he’s stupid. He’s a deeply stupid man.” — JIMMY KIMMEL

Linda said...

I can confirm that the porridge-serving café, Hata, is excellent. I also think I know the sofa maker of your visit. We have been through the cushion-testing exercise there and have been very happy with the result.

Jim Davis said...

That furniture maker looks to be a true artisan, works of art come to mind. The role of a President in times of tragedy like the DC crash is to offer words of condolence and reassurance, not spew garbage and make it all about himself and blame it on previous administrations or make up garbage to politicize it. His behavior yesterday was deeply disturbing, but sadly typical.

Lisa in France said...

Buying a sofa can actually be very difficult, at least if you have any hope of it's being comfortable. So hopefully, your time was well spent. As to the terrible accident in DC, it's now becoming clear that it was the usual story where numerous things all went wrong at the same time, none having anything to do with DEI.

Stephanie said...

He displayed an appalling lack of common decency.

Anonymous said...

He’s an appalling person.