Sunday, September 23, 2018

Tail thumping happiness.

The cooler weather means it's time to put the pool to bed for the year.  Last week the pump started to make that 'two plates of metal grinding together' noise. Yesterday the pump man came and replaced it.  This morning the water level in the pool is low - a sign that there's a leak ? The hose pipes are unravelled and the water level topped up. Sophie is my companion on this unexciting task. She finds the unreeling of the hose and the sound of the water flowing into the pool to be riveting. She keeps on getting under my feet so is 'encouraged' into the house.

Bob emerges and gives his sister a morning kiss. This morning, as every morning, Sophie objects and lets out a ' hollering '. Villagers aiming to sleep in on a Sunday morning are by now, presumably, wide awake.

'The Font' has finished the course with the astrophysicists in Pasadena. The sixteen year old Chinese girls with three doctorates apiece will be carrying on with their quest for an electro-magnetic fourth dimension. 

This week Angus and the PONs will have to fend for themselves for two nights while 'The Font' heads off to sign up for a new course. We go to the local frozen food store and lay in some Naans and microwaveable curries. Consideration is given to duck breast but this seems a culinary adventure too far.

This mornings croissant an 8.3/10. Light, flaky but ever so slightly stale. A batch made an hour ago. The angelic duo each get given an end. This is a cause for tail thumping happiness.

Sophie may have sussed out from the sound of packing that she's going to be left in a household with Angus as the chef in charge.


Emm said...

I am enjoying your croissant-ranking system and imagine you standing outside the bakery, like a figure skating judge, holding up score cards. Flakiness: 5.2. Butteriness: 8.3. Lightness: 6.7.
Is 'The Font's new course in astrophysics or something else? I feel smarter just reading about her.

WFT Nobby said...

I too am curious to know what subject the 'Font' will tackle next. One with a lecturer with a better fashion sense perhaps?

Poppy Q said...

The frozen meal selection looks quite good, although like all such meals around the world, the reheated meal seldom looks like the packaging pictures.

I LOVE the kiss photo. What a kind brother.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Fret not Sophie... this too shall end! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Sheila said...

Hope the pool water level is holding. If not and if it has a liner, I believe there's a patch which might work. Of course that's if you can find the leak.
That selection of frozen dinners looks far more interesting than anything we can find in our market.

Swan said...

I don’t suppose you’ve ever watched The Big Bang Theory? One of my favorite shows..

BaileyBobSouthernDog said...

I am curious where the “Font” must go to sign up for her next adventure?

BaileyBobSouthernDog said...

If Sophie was a cat, she would be sitting in the “Font’s” luggage, refusing to move!

BaileyBobSouthernDog said...

And . . . If the Pons each had score cards reading 10+ straight across the board.

Emm said...

That one literally made me laugh out loud.
You mean Sophie isn't a cat? Some of her mannerisms, I wonder ...

BaileyBobSouthernDog said...

To be honest, I can see Sophie on her back, in the luggage, refusing to move! ! !