Monday, January 23, 2023


Another glorious sunrise. Sophie heads off across the ice covered fields in pursuit of adventure. At this time of the morning the only noises are the sound of the sea on the rocks, the honking of the geese by the salt lake and the fluttering wings of the local dunnock population. The PONette finds that the ice cracks as she walks across it. This discovery, as with all things that create a noise, provides her with great satisfaction. 

Todays telco with the Manhattanites a replay of last weeks conversations. Sleaze ( Brit politicians no slouches in this regard ), Ukraine and the debt ceiling all to the fore. Monterey Park is discussed.

While 'The Font' segues into the new day Angus and Sophie head into town. Angus can be up, showered, dressed and out in eleven minutes. This is not the case with everyone in the family. We park by the cinema. The sunrise outlines the chimney stacks on the houses . How dirty the town must have been when every fire in every grate was alight.

We think of going to the trendy coffee shop . A dog owning couple walk in ahead of us.  Angus hastily adjusts our plans. A chance encounter between Sophie and two Huskies in an enclosed space might be a 'noisy' start to the day.



WFT Nobby said...

But surely it would be fun for Sophie to have an opportunity to interact with two huskies in a confined space. I think the café owners and customers would have greatly appreciated such an encounter.

Coppa's girl said...

Lovely first photo of Sophie and the sunrise.
Mmmm...not sure about Sophie's interaction with the huskies - perhaps start with something smaller?

Gemma's person said...

The sun and the moon in the same shot. Excellent. :)

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Brilliant first photo this morning!

Travel said...

All of this going on in the world, and none of it seems to bother our heroine, she is just looking for a treat and some fresh puddle water.

rottrover said...

Good eye, Gemma's Person! The moon makes an otherwise outstanding picture spectacular!