Sunday, August 18, 2013

Failure is the path of least persistence.

After the storms - heat. Cloudless skies and a baking sun. By the time we're back from our morning walk it's getting muggy. To cool down  Bob heads to the downstairs kitchen and watches the world pass by. One chill dog.

4.45 am. One of the old farmers cats decides to come into the courtyard and sing. Whether this feline musical interlude is by accident or design is immaterial. The immediate impact on the two PON's is striking - cries that rend the heavens .

Out into the garden. The sky at that time of the morning alive with stars. Overhead the space station catching the first of the suns rays. ' The font ' ( who is taking the online degree course in astronomy with the bearded Californian men in polyester suits ) informs me that by the time you'd listened to the Proclaimers 1988 hit single ' I'm Gonna Be ' the Space Station would have travelled exactly 1,000 miles. This surprising fact only goes to show that the art of conversation is alive and well although somewhat wasted on Angus at five in the morning. 


rottrover said...

The cat, the PONs and the 'font' all quite informative. 5:00 is a little early for any sort of exchange.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Oh well, as long as you're up. Might as well go for an early morning walk.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

Duke said...

You look so comfy in your cushy bed, Bob! We love love those happy smiling sunflowers!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I agree about the 5 AM conversation, it's all wasted on me too. But we have seen the space station pass over us a couple times when the weathermen tell us where and when to look for it--Our standing in the yard in the darkness watching for it is totally wasted on the dogs.

Jake of Florida said...

I had no idea the space station was visible from here by naked eye. I imagine one has to be away from city lights.

Kari said...

I had no idea that the space station was visible with the naked eye either. Found a chart on line with visibility info. Most interesting. Maybe the font could do a little tutorial for us every now and again.
Why do dogs look exceptionally cute when snuggled in their beds!
Maybe the poor cat was hungry. And the info on the hungry animal grapevine is you are a generous hand.

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Tis a good song....

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just the best nose

WFT Nobby said...

I had imagined that an advantage of taking an online course would be that one would remain in ignorance about the unfortunate clothing choices of one's fellow students. Unfortunately it seems I was wrong!
Cheers, Gail.

Angus said...

With video classes its as if the lecturers were in your own home !

Unknown said...

PONs, a cat,stars, and conversation way too early - nod, nod, zzzzzz....

VirginiaC said...

Seems as if all cats are the same whether they live in deepest France profonde or here in the Caribbean.
I totally empathise with you and the Font re: the cries that rend the heavens.
See my post here:
That astronomy class seems quite intriguing, maybe I should consider it too. I love learning interesting factoids....Angus pay attention. You may be on a game show one day, and miss out on the grand prize because you didn't know that by the time you'd listened to the Proclaimers 1988 hit single ' I'm Gonna Be ' the Space Station would have travelled exactly 1,000 miles.

VirginiaC said...

Kari, you may be right about the hungry cat.

Whispering Walls said...

Was that what the cat was singing?