The warm weather has arrived. Bob has the hair of his face trimmed. Now he can see the whole world. This is clearly a source of cheerful amazement. The warm(ish) weather has also reached Scotland :
'The Font ' is still in Scotland dealing with an inefficient utility company. ( Therein lies a tale of hours wasted ). To make matters worse after waiting in all day the fancy furniture store on Tottenham Court Road sends an e-mail saying ‘’We’re reaching out to you to let you know that the furniture you were expecting to be delivered today will have to be rescheduled due to a logistical software issue. An alternative delivery date will be advised in the next few weeks ". This is the third time they've failed to deliver. The line '' We're reaching out to you " a particularly maladroit use of English.
The cherry on 'The Fonts' cake is the arrival of two chairs from a Knightsbridge department store. Instead of
something modern, grey, svelte and Swedish ( as ordered ) they are red, plush, ornate, gilt and very, very large. More Cairo throne than Nordic minimalist. After twenty minutes on hold the young lady at customer services provides the helpful insight " We wouldn't have sent them unless you'd ordered them " then puts the phone down.
Here at The Rickety Old Farmhouse the PONs lie in the shade of the courtyard and guard. This is best done with both eyes gently closed.
The village is segueing into its summer torpor.
Chinese wine. The 'Scottish' castle is something else :
and the focus of an organist :
Do let me know if the Font's utility company is SSE. I'll be at their office for a meeting later today and will have a word!
Cheers, Gail.
What wonderful examples of customer care. One imagines the fonts purchases were not cheap and one would think you would deserve at least an apology - not such rudeness.
Meanwhile I am in love with the photo of the pons in your wonderful garden with chickens pecking away. What a dream home you live in.
I'm amazed at the lack of care and consideration that you experience from retailers and utilities, both in France and Scotland. Here in Spain, (known mainly for it's mañana outlook on life) we have received excellent service over the years. Recently I had a pellet stove installed, and couldn't fault the workmanship or the installation - nothing seemed to be too much trouble. This included making good afterwards, building a chimney to match the others on the house at no extra cost, and turning out mid evening when I had a slight problem using the programmer. Maybe they went the extra mile (or kilometre !) because I am on my own, but I have nothing but praise for all concerned.
Lovely to see all of Bob's face again !
Sounds to me as though 'The Font' would be better off shopping for furniture from Sweden. Isn't that where the carpets came from?
Bob does have a Blimey! look about him. Are those wisteria blooms I see? Need a closer shot.
You're right. Sweden seems to be more reliable than London. Well spotted. The wisteria is showing the first signs of life.
Hari OM
...what's the issue with shopping in Scotland?! (Not that the customer care will necessarily be any better - but at least face to face conduct more likely to bring results.) After experiencing the service standards of Australia and USA, I have to say, the UK is rather dismal...
Hari OM
Peek-a-boo Bob, lovely to see you, to see you lovely!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
This must be karma catchup after the precision-drill competence bestowed earlier on the Scottish house. So many met expectations must be balanced with a dose of frustration or it wouldn't be a renovation.
The lack of mention must mean the Women's Cooperative ladies haven't been by....
'Things' clearly didn't work out. Our radical feminist neighbours failed to show up this morning. Perhaps tomorrow ?
East Fife is not a Mecca for Scandinavian furniture.
...well... Fife, no. Edinburgh and Glasgow hold surprisingly cosmopolitan offerings though; but if there is a specific vision I guess one must search and stretch.
Bob does look truly amazed! Sophie looks as if she'd like to bite that rude customer service rep from the store in Knightsbridge.
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