The school holidays. The two tikes race their motorbikes up and down the lane. They do wheelies over the speed bumps. Angus isn't sure whether it's the rasping noise of their bikes or the fact they're racing without helmets that alarms him most. The villagers seem oblivious to the noise and the potential danger.
The PONs are 'super excited' about getting their day started. Somehow they seem to know that Monday morning is a day for visiting the bakers ...
.... the poulterers ....
...... and the butchers. The chief butcher greets me like a long lost friend, cuts two slices of steak and then hand feeds some mince to the adoring PONs. Sophie, despite a valiant attempt at pretending she's not interested emits an involuntary ' I has gone to heaven' squeak of delight.
Angus is told to talk with Phil the joiner. Phil is delightful but his work rate is 'leisurely'. He has so far built two new doors for the small third bedroom that looks out onto the back of the garden stairs. ' The Font' uses this as a base on visits back to the wee house. Three more sets of doors, a large built in wardrobe and more bedside trays are promised ( and have been for the last three months ) but remain elusive. The American tenants arrive in six weeks.

Amongst the things to see near this new hotel is The Frog Temple of Oel :
And more background reserach on a trip to Ethiopia :
Hari OM
Well, Monday's for starters, right PONs? Methinks that Phil has felt comfy in the company of his employers - Perhaps dropping an earlier deadline than the actual could be an option?
As for the plush places... (how does one whistle in print???) YAM xx
Perhaps the American tenants will feel at home in a more open plan environment?
The strawberry tarts look nice, and the butcher does a tidy job too. Nice of him to treat the Pons.
A person could get a heart attack just looking at the photo of those duck legs. I've never seen cholesterol so artistically displayed.
Perhaps Phil the joiner did his training in France....?
I watch a fascinating TV programme called "Escape to the Chateau", and the complaint there is that it's impossible to rely on French tradespeople, and that they are also very expensive. The comments are exactly the same as yours have been, Angus, so it seems unreliability is a built in trait. It amazes me that anyone is still in business, and makes me realise exactly how lucky I've been in my dealings with Spanish workmen. My only difficulty has been finding a good gardener.
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