All quiet this morning ; no jet fighters to disturb our morning reveries. The Russian frigate that had the air force busy has passed south through the Channel and into French waters. Sophie patrols the dunes in search of oyster catchers to chase. They remain safely, and obdurately, out of reach down on the waters edge. University sports teams are running on the beach - term is about to start and the excesses of the holidays have to be burnt off. Sophie is disappointed to discover that the university rugby team don't carry Jaffa Cakes.

The sheep remain munching the rough grass in pens down by the golf course. We think that instead of using petrol powered grass cutters the grounds men have opted for a more environmentally friendly solution. The sheep are happy, the ground gets fertilized and sheepdogs are transfixed. What's not to like ? Sophie ensures that Angus is positioned between her and the flock that is wandering towards her. Even the bravest of girls understands the importance of prudence.
Back at home one of the farmers has started to plough the potato field by the heron pond. He stops his tractor for a chat. He also gives Sophie an ear scrunch. The village Burns supper is set for the end of the month. We discuss the relative merits of The MacAllan over lesser whiskies. If it wasn't for the fact that it's barely become light I'd think he was angling to be invited in for a wee dram of the 'purely restorative' variety.
After a walk on the beach and a drink from a large puddle Sophie starts her day sporting what might best be described as her ' lived in ' look.
The smile of the sheepdog's face made me smile too - they are such wonderful dogs. Have you shown Sophie the video, Angus? That's really how sheepdogs should behave, though the farmer may not be too overjoyed for Sophie to practise on his sheep.
A wee dram before sun-up? Your legendary hospitality must have followed you from France!
Hari OM
Now, that's what you call a roundup!!! My grandad would have been well pleased if his Meg had been able to do a single-shot gathering like that!!! I am rather taken with Sophie's modelling of the fried egg breakfast sky... YAM xx
Such a pretty place, such a sweet dog, and happy companion
That sheep dog is amazing, what wonderful dogs they are.
As is Sophie!
I always wanted to rent a herd of sheep for Cherry, but this kind of thing is, perhaps not surprisingly, unavailable in Japan. The smile from the dog in the video is lovely.
And if it weren't for your self imposed "dry" January...he may have been offered a restorative.
Sophie is surely in her element.
You must send a note to the rugby team manager to carry Jaffa cakes or something for the "oh so nice" now Scottish PON.
The video has been deleted... But that photo of Sophie at sunrise is another stunner!
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