Down by the harbour a gentleman 'walking' his dog in the sunshine. Both appear to be enjoying the unseasonal warmth. You just know his wife will greet him with ' You've been out a long time ' and he'll reply " Yes dear. We went the long way round today ".
'The Font' is heading back to the last wee house before Denmark. The bathroom fitters are expected at eight. A skip will be delivered at seven thirty. Old showers and basins will be stripped out and the plaster board on the walls taken down. The kitchen fitter is also supposed to be there to finish off the cabinet installation. We reckon the chances of him showing up are 50-50 at best. He's taken umbrage at my apparently outrageous suggestion he liaise more closely with the electricians and plumbers.
Later, Angus is filling up the Volvo at the petrol station by the bus station. A man wearing an official golf club caddies jacket wanders over. He introduces himself as the husband of the woman who walks arthritic Archie. He too asks after Sophie.
The back right leg getting a little unsteady. She's sleeping more. Signs of confusion. Yesterday, she lay down in the middle of the lawn outside the university chapel and refused to move. Much to the amusement of a group of tourists she was picked up and carried home. To prove she's still enjoying life Sophie wolfs down her dinner of roast cod and penne and enjoys a pre- bedtime walk to the walled garden and back. The postman is still barked at in her best sixty a day 'filters are for wimps' style. As a guardian of her flock she's still on the case.
Love too read beautiful fur baby ate
her dinner and out walking. Letting her bark still be known. Keep on keeping on Sophie. 🙌🏻🙏🏻🐾🐾💕
That fringe!
How touching that people you don't really know feel they have a connection strong enough to come up to you and ask after Sophie. She is a hub.
We connect through our animals.
It's good to know that Sophie is still enjoying her food, her walks and is still the centre of attention.
People do remember your dog even if they have no idea what your name is!
Hari OM
Darling Sophie, likely quite oblivious to being the centre of the whole world's attention but thoroughly enjoying the full force of yours. YAM xx
Give her a hug from afar for me. Demo is the fast part of the remodel, I was on a Zoom call when my bathroom was ripped out, and it was finished faster than the call.
So happy to hear that the Diva is still having a howling good time.
I have the feeling that The Font will be setting the workers straight. I hope the cabinet installers are there. Two broken doors should be shameful to them as "professionals". We have just had a bath done. It's so sad that by the time they finish, the owner's joy is gone.
The Font and Sophie: give them hell. XXX
Gentle hugs and ear scratches to Sophie. She still has her chutzpah, protecting her flock from the postman! Enjoy this first Monday of June.
Angus, I know what it's like to pick up and carry our 25-pound Joey. But am having trouble picturing you or the Font carrying even the somewhat slimmed down diva much of a distance. Love the great enabler?
I'm so very glad that Sophie can still enjoy her walks, her food, and can rely on help when assistance is needed.
What an immense blessing lies in the two words "no pain."
Jake of Florida - Sophie is rather lighter than 25 kilos these days. Thankfully we don't have to carry her far as most of our outings are within a couple of hundred metres of here. This morning though she ran out of steam down by the harbour and 'The Font' got a 5 am call to get up and bring the car down.
Sophie is certainly the talk of the town, as well she should be. I’d suggest borrowing one of those dog strollers for when she stops mid walkies but the idea of you pushing a dog stroller might be a bit much. Undoubtedly the Font will use her excellent Swedish skills of giving serious looks and diplomacy to tell the tradespeople to snap to it. Meanwhile you might want to select a special wine for when she returns.
55 pounds = 2 Joeys and a bag of Yukon gold potatoes. Love definitely required!
So glad you're going at Sophie's pace. These are such special days.
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