Friday, January 5, 2024

Cheeky whippet.

The Manhattanites and super smart Los Angelenos are back at work after their Christmas holidays. Plenty to talk about this morning ( or evening their time ) with North Koreas shelling of coastal islands being the surprise event du jour.  The dark suits are agreed that the US election - and the losing sides  response to it - will be the defining event of the year. The Manhattanites  seem surprised that this year will also see elections in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and the UK.

Puppy and a sister are waiting for us as we head off on out first walk of the day. The third and eldest dog now likes to lie by the side of the farmers AGA until she's told to go out. This gives the two younger ones carte blanche to go off in search of adventure.

It's dry and mild so we stop for our start of day espressos at a Starbucks pavement table. This enables us to people watch. Four Japanese girls get out of a taxi and unload their suitcases before disappearing into a flat above Subway. They have that disheveled  ' I didn't get a wink of sleep ' look that marks out passengers from the overnight London sleeper. I'd thought the new semester starts on Monday. Turns out teaching starts  a week after that. This explains why there are so few students around. 

Todays dose of excitement is provided by a woman with a whippet. She's sitting on a bench eating a bacon sandwich which she shares with the dog. For every two bites she takes the whippet gets one. This works until the whippet decides to move things along by grabbing what's left of the bacon roll in its jaws and swallowing it. The woman looks at the dog and says  ' You are a cheeky monkey Mister whippet ! '. This unusual sentence construct  is repeated . The whippet exudes an aura of contentment.

Wonderful waves and sunshine down on the beach.

Outside the metaphysics department a seagull is standing tapping the grass with its feet. This is how they attract worms to the surface. The seagull ignores us and focuses on breakfast. The seagulls have an attitude that lets you know that they are the original inhabitants of this town and that humans are irritating late comers.

Carved above the stone entrance of a large house down by the sea a date - presumably the year it was built. We stand and finally work it out. Can you ?


jabblog said...

Is it 1806? Asking for a friend.

Angus said...

Jabblog - A good try but your friend hasn't quite got it right.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1898 or 1896?
I´m not sure, but maybe the second one it´s the right answer.
Greetings from Spain

Anonymous said...

1896 🤔
Greetings from the Great State of Texas!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
hmmmmmmm I'll have a stab at 1886. And it seems you have dogs again - all the fun and none of the worry! YAM xx

Travel said...

I think 1896. It is going to be an interesting election year.

Pam in NH said...

I'm with Yam, 1886 is my guess. Nice to see puppy and #2 today.

Diaday said...

My guess is 1896. Having Puppy and her sister greet you is a delightful way to start the day!

waterdog said...

Happy new year from Maryland.
I’m going to go with 1896.
I love seeing puppy and her sister in the morning!

Sharon said...

Could it be 1689 or 1698?

Lisa in France said...

I'd guess 1886, but without a great deal of confidence. Interesting how Puppy lays back a bit and lets her big sister take the lead today. Now I have to go and see what's going on with North Korea.

Coppa's girl said...

I'd go for 1896 too. I think the middle number is a 9 with 8 on the left and 6 in the right, being held up by 1 underneath? The architectural style of the doorway looks Victorian.
Good to see Puppy and her sister.

Jim Davis said...


rottrover said...

I'm going 1896 - from a kind of smart person in Los Angeles!

Jake of Florida said...

1896...after looking and looking and following your other smart folk.

The Bougalou Bear said...

1896...after blowing up the picture. Clever and beautiful.

Puppy and sister look in fine fettle.

Kippy said...

I saw it as 1886

Angus said...

To one and all - Congratulations to those who came up with 1896. A 1 in the middle an 8 to the left, a 6 to the right and a 9 holding them all together.

The Life of Riley said...

Angus, do you have any idea what was once on the rectangular stone below the numbers? In 1896 was it a business or a home with a family name?