Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Little routines.

Franz Beckenbauer the German footballer has died. Years ago I once sat next to him in the departure lounge at Warsaw airport while waiting for a flight to Frankfurt. We chatted for half an hour. In the time we were there at least twenty fans employing varying degrees of  the  ' if you don't ask you don't get ' philosophy of life asked for his autograph. He smiled patiently at all of them. I would have been a chain saw killer. A professional sportsmans life  is not all Ferraris and champagne.

Only six deer in the herd grazing by the beach this morning. Usually there's seven. On the road outside the 5 star golf hotel the body of a dead fawn. The driver of the car that hit it must have had quite a surprise as it must weigh at least 40  kilos. The hotels entrance is on the straight stretch out of town where the 30 mph speed limit ends.

Grouse and Whinberry flavoured crisps in the shop. I'm not sure what a Whinberry is. Nor am I sure that Grouse and Whinberry is a more attractive flavour than Wild Boar and Apple.

The municipal flower people have been out and about. The yellow roses aren't enjoying the salt air. The smooth placing out and collecting in of these tributes still surprises. 

If ever you are tempted to come and play the Old Course then now is the time. Not a soul to be seen down by the sacred turf.  Usually student golfers would be lining up to tee off . Give it another four or five days and they'll be back.

Week two of dry January. Angus stops to study a list of festive cocktails outside a seafront bar. I'd hoped they might advertise at least one mocktail. Perhaps a Jolly Apple Spritz - without the Johnnie Walkers - might be an option.

Old golf shoes put to use as flower pots outside a guest house by the catholic church.

A very Scottish tune played on the radio this morning. First time I've ever heard it sung like this  :https://youtu.be/FiCNI1uvauc?t=2

The inefficiency of English language schools :https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/My-Personal-History/Haruhiko-Kuroda/Study-in-the-U.K.-Haruhiko-Kuroda-7


Coppa's girl said...

As a "crisp acholic" I'm not sure I'd be tempted by those flavours.
The mixtures of alcohol in those cocktails must have had the same effect as rocket fuel - ensuring a very merry, if slightly unfocused, festive season!

WFT Nobby said...

A sad week for sport, with the loss of 'Der Kaiser' and now also the unforgettable JPR.

Lisa in France said...

I was sorry to read about Franz Beckenbauer. It was late in his career when he joined the New York Cosmos, but the Cosmos were my first real introduction to the sport and I loved that he and Pele came to New Jersey (where the Cosmos actually played). Also, what a story from Haruhiko Kuroda.

Tigger's Mum said...

There are some highly polished 'old' golf shoes in that horticultural line-up.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hitting a dear is no fun... it being a fawn will have left a mark deep in the driver, if not the vehicle... YAM xx

Diaday said...

Interesting flavors of crisps. Had to look up whinberry...it's kind of like a wild blueberry. But still, no thank you.

Travel said...

I sat next to senator on a plane one morning for a 90 minute flight, we had a delightful conversation, and I didn't realize who he was until someone asked for his autograph as we were getting off the plane. He seemed to enjoy a conversation that was not about him and his work. He represented the state I was living in at the time.

Stephanie said...

What a lovely haunting song, unfamiliar to me.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Hello Stephanie! I also thought the song was beautiful.

Stephanie said...
