Tuesday, January 16, 2024


We're up early. Iowa, Houthis and the Taiwanese elections all topics of conversation with the  Manhattanites. The light in the study attracts the attention of  two early rising village neighbours . The farmers wife has put up chicken wire to stop the dogs escaping from the garden. This does not deter these expert escapologists who have mastered the technique of squeezing under the metal grille at the side of her greenhouse.

The Jack Russells are hopeful that they will be invited in for breakfast. They arrive outside and bark. Puppy is in the dog house after carefully digging up and chewing all the plants in the trough at the front door. She gives us her best ' I cannot tell a lie. It was my sister ' look. They each get an oatcake.

Heading down to the waters edge we disturb four deer . They pause to look at us then hurtle away. The buck leads the way with the mother following on behind. The two youngsters are now at an age where they can leap over the stone dykes in a single bound.

It's calm and the overnight wind has dropped but the seas are rising. Six foot waves pounding the shore. This usually heralds the arrival of a storm from Norway. The skies are clear overhead but a light dusting of sleet catches us as we turn onto the coastal path. To say that it's cold is an understatement. Heavy snow is forecast for this evening which is a pain as the governments old National Security advisor is in town to talk to the students . We were planning to drive down to hear him. The weather forecast in these changeable parts is usually wrong so let's hope the blizzard hits further inland. When 'The Font' came over from France to buy the wee house in town the snow was deep enough to keep everyone stranded for three days.

Some Brie de Melun from the cheese mongers.

The return of the students means that it's peak coughs and sniffles time. The supermarket moves seasonal remedies to a prime position by the cash desks.

Even dog owners will find this a most amazing story. We have never had a dog that could find its way out of a paper bag let alone get a boat across the Channel :https://www.wartimememoriesproject.com/greatwar/view.php?uid=231065


WFT Nobby said...

Obviously, puppy is innocent.
And all terriers are super smart.
PS from Gail - we had over four inches of snow in Aberdeen by yesterday evening. Nobby will get his first try out as a cross country skiing companion on Hazlehead Golf Course later today. Could be interesting...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Whilst plants may suffer, butter wouldn't melt in Puppy's mouth...YAM xx

jabblog said...

Puppy knows how to entrance. I wonder if she practises that pose?

Anonymous said...

What delightful little dogs.

Travel said...

Stay safe and warm,

Stephanie said...

I hesitate to ask if Puppy's sister has a name.

Jake of Florida said...

The Zodiac, "a kind of heavenly zoo where animals go when they die.," What a lovely thought from a young girl.

rottrover said...

Puppy could find an oatcake across the Chanel. Osa and Buddy couldn't find me if I went to the market!

Diaday said...

Puppy and Sister...what a charming start to the day for all of us!