The County archaeologist is here at first light. 'Going to be warm today ' he says optimistically. He's brought his eight, six and four year old sons with him in the much dented family minibus. " Chance for the missus to get a lie in " he adds by way of explanation. The bobble hated boys cluster on the sand, laugh and skim stones across the water. The youngest is unhappy to find he can't do it as well as his elder brothers and returns to be with his father.

The archaeologist thinks that he's now found all the bronze age and early Christian tombs in the field by the sea. Despite being built 3,000 years apart the way of making the tombs is remarkably similar. Thin lengths of rock are taken from the beach, shaped into oblongs and then used to line holes in the soil. In the bronze age tombs the body is laid on its side in a fetal position. In the early Christian tombs , all East facing , the bodies are laid out on their backs as if asleep. On a morning like this we all agree that it would be difficult to find a more beautiful spot to spend eternity. His two eldest sons, and the youngest who has rejoined them, are too busy skimming stones to have a view on this.
On the town beach the old dune line can clearly be seen. A line of deep marram grass roots still managing to cling onto the sand despite the tides that have washed so much away. The kestrel that's nesting near the tidal spit swoops low over us before pouncing on something in the dunes.
The popular bar near the golf club has a new sign in its window. Angus isn't sure whether the admonition ' You can eat with the ghosts of former champions' would entice him in.
Later today we shall head down to the Royal and Ancient to inspect the renovations to the club house. Workmen were labouring away, by floodlight, until late last night. For the last 18 months the road outside has been reduced to one lane and traffic lights and a contraflow system installed. This has been, to put it mildly, annoying.
On the town noticeboard a local has made his poetically unhappy views of the Links Trust quite clear.
Tandoori pizza. The local restaurants continue to appeal to an international ( and youthful ) audience. I am impressed,