Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Dancing in the rain


The young man behind the counter in the fancy Italian delicatessen tells me they've sold out of the Cadbury's Creme Egg cheesecake. Seeing my disappointment he promises to have a fresh one baked by Wednesday. ' I'll speak to my mother and save you two slices '.

By seven am it's warmed up. 4 degrees and wet. The farmer only has one more container of cauliflowers to fill. Just as well. Working on the North Sea coast in these conditions is not easy.

In town the scudding clouds bring sunshine one minute, torrential rain the next. A group of sixty or seventy kids are out and about on the lawn by the chapel dancing to Indian hip hop and throwing green powder over each other. Despite the eviscerating wind and rain they seem happy in that way only late teens can. Scottish weather isn't going to spoil things.  'The Font' asks one of the college porters what's going on. We think it might be Holi but his Scottish pronunciation of whatever Hindu festival this might be leaves us none the wiser.

The plants bought at the garden nursery seem to be standing up to what the the elements are throwing at them.

Town has two Indian restaurants. The smaller of the two has replaced its frost damaged Yucca with an olive tree. I wish it luck. A most exotic looking palm has also arrived. It's been wrapped in fairy lights and seems to have its roots encased in a concrete block. This, methinks, does not auger well.

The sun filters through and brightens up a bank of bluebells on the golf course. Easter is on the way and the town is now full of large rental cars picked up at Edinburgh airport. We see no less than 9 newly registered Volvo XC90's . These seem to be the vehicle of choice for American golfers and their golf clubs. From the sheer number of them I'm assuming that this is a model that is a) going out of production and is b) sold to rental car companies at a ' super attractive ' price.


WFT Nobby said...

Deferred gratification then. Will the slices of creme egg cheese cake last until Easter Sunday? (I am assuming both slices will be consumed by Angus.)

Coppa's girl said...

Gail's comments echo my thoughts! Such a tragedy that the cake has sold out. Perhaps you should order a whole one and 'The Font' could ration you to a slice every so often!
The blubells look so pretty, and given the local conditions, must be quite hardy.

jabblog said...

The article on porpoises was interesting and led to another on cetaceans 'bow wave' riding.

Travel said...

Let us know if the cheesecake is as good as we imagine. The American Bar Association put out a social media post on that Indian festival day, sounds right.

Diaday said...

The bluebells are gorgeous! They bring the hope of the coming blue skies of spring.

Stephanie said...

The picture of the glorious bluebells in sunshine has done wonders to brighten my morning.

Lizzie said...

Ahhhhh, bluebells. Spring is coming soon...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Here, late, to confirm that the celebration would have been for Holi... I chose to work with multicoloured yarn instead. Not so messy, you would think - but when it 'barfs' all over the floor and you end up in multiple tangles, the clean up requires the same sort of patience! YAM xx