Thursday, March 14, 2024

An understandable delay.


The groundsmen are enjoying a start of day coffee in the cafe on the beach. They're a hard working bunch but this morning they're in no rush to get started. It's the time of the high equinox tides and there's little they can do to stop the sea scouring away the dunes. This morning there's enough of a wind to send the waves crashing into the car park. The Edinburgh golfers who've parked their Porsches and Mercedes there are going to be in for a surprise. A gaggle of students stand and watch  the waves lap around the cars. When the men in the cafe said the tides would be abnormally high they meant it.

At long last the work on the Royal and Ancient clubhouse is nearing an end. The structure has been brought into the 21st century and changing rooms for the lady golfers have been excavated into the ground beneath. The work was supposed to have been finished eighteen months ago but, as is the way with these things, it's suffered a lengthy delay. The new porch has been designed to match the style of the old building and blends in well. I'm sure the bill for all this work will be eyewatering. Let's hope there's enough left in the kitty to start taking the coastal erosion seriously. 

Easter approaching. Music, which maintains a low profile during much of the year, suddenly comes centre stage. There are lunchtime and evening concerts from now until the end of Holy Week.

We were due to drive down to collect 'Cabbage'  the PONette this week. Her elderly lady owner ( who was wildly enthusiastic a month ago ) is suddenly coming to terms with saying goodbye to her companion. At a certain age saying goodbye to a dog means much more than saying goodbye to a dog. We've told her that we're happy to wait until she thinks the time is right. Somethings can't be rushed. Everything has its time. ' Cabbage ' is a  name that is likely to be changed.


Virginia said...

Oh! My goodness! I missed that bit! A PONette joining you, not a puppy but a mature lady, am I right? I do feel for the elderly owner, what a wrench, but what a courageous thing to do when she puts the dog’s needs first. I hope knowing you are so experienced and caring PONs owners will lighten her sadness just a bit.

WFT Nobby said...

I am now on tenterhooks, and also empathising with the elderly lady.
Cheers, Gail.

Coppa's girl said...

Oh how sad that the elderly lady has to say goodbye to her furry companion. Hopefully she will realise that "Cabbage" is going to the best home possible. Having had to return a rescue dog to the shelter, I know how heartbreaking voluntarily losing a companion can be.

Lisa in France said...

Wow! What exciting news. My Jack Russell was named "Parsley" when we got her, and by the time we decided on a better name it was too late. On the other hand, I can't quite imagine you and the font standing on the beach, shouting "Cabbage, come!"

Charlotte said...

What the lady is going through is just like the passing of your fur baby. It has been two now that we had to let our Westie cross over the rainbow 🌈 bridge. Maybe you live close by her you could bring the Pon to visit her. Did she give a time that she would try again for?
I am looking forward to learning and seeing the new Pon. Share more with us as we wait with you for your new Pon.

jabblog said...

Cabbage is a great name for a dog.
It's hard to part with a faithful companion. There will be many tears.

Anonymous said...

Rory Callan-Jones’s last much loved dog (before the current Sophie-just sayin’) was Cabbage. Whatever you call her, we can’t wait to meet her

Camille said...

Cabbage is a delightful name. A bit of whimsy and quite charming. After all, it was good enough for the Queen. Wouldn't changing her name at this juncture be like us suddenly deciding to call you Ralph? Hoping all goes well and we soon get to meet the newest PONette.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I can totally identify with "Cabbages'" current owner. I just placed our foster girl Iva after having her just over one year. I cried most of the way from Lynchburg Virginia to Leesburg -- Which was a 4+ hour drive. It's never ever easy, even when you know it's a good home and the right thing.

Anonymous said...

What an exciting last paragraph to your post today! Clearly, Cabbage’s elderly owner loves her dearly enough to realize Cabbage needs a new home. Still, I am sure it is a wrenching decision for her. However, Cabbage could not be going to a more loving and supportive place than the last wee house before Denmark.. I will look forward to learning more about Cabbage. Is Puppy ever in for a big surprise! Upon their meeting, I think you will learn quickly if Cabbage possesses Sophie’s dramatic diva qualities. How fun!

Diaday said...

Looking forward to your posts that share a PONette's point of view along with yours.

waterdog said...

I must have missed something even though I am a loyal, daily reader! A new PONette….excitement reigns. I feel empathy for the elderly woman, but I’m sure you will provide regular updates for her. Best wishes! BTW I agree that the name Cabbage is quite agreeable.

Travel said...

There will be wet cars before the morning is over, salt water and German cars don't mix well.

The sweet dog, and the sweet owner, who is caring for whom?

rottrover said...

I agree Angus, 'at a certain age saying goodbye to a dog means much more than saying goodbye to a dog...' Your kindness, patience and empathy are much appreciated. I hope her over will be able to visit, though reading your blog or viewing videos may ease her mind. And of course the current owner has no idea that her companion is in for a series of Best Days Ever!

Liz Van Buren said...

Sooooo excited!! I LOVE the blog but it seems so empty without the canine furry influence. I feel broken-hearted every day except when Puppy appears. Angus/Font is a dog blog for me. But don’t get me wrong - all of your other antics and links are fascinating too! While you were not posting from Japan I was kinda lost - your blog is first thing I do with my coffee each morning since the Wilf days! I’m fully in the Cabbage is a great name camp - would it be better to nickname her “Chou”? Probably not…. Oh, I’m so excited! Love from LizInOregon

Barbara Anne said...

I'm a fairly new reader, but am elated you and the Font will soon (?) be joined by Cabbage or whatever her name will be. Your lives will be richer for her presence.

What is Cabbage's age?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you,,The Font and “Csbbage” can visit her previous owner from time to time , if you think the lady would like that. I’m greatly looking forward to hearing about “Cabbage” and her adventures. I wonder what she will think of Puppy and the other Jack Russell’s

The Life of Riley said...

The hardest thing ever about having a dog is the goodbye! For Cabbage’s elderly companion, I wonder if there is some way the “Goodbye” could become “Au revoir” with the offer of future catch-ups and regular news (even photos and words sent to her by snail mail) so the parting is not so hard.

If you do change her name, have you considered paying homage to Cabbage’s previous owner’s choice by giving your new girl a cabbage-related nickname to use daily? Càl (or Kål ) is a three-letter translation of cabbage which links the strands of your life together and sounds similar in Scots Gaelic (for your heritage and return to Scotland), Swedish (for the Font) and Danish (for the last wee house before Denmark), or you could call her Kapusta (a Polish translation for a PON) which sounds even better on Google translate and could be fun to yell out on your beach walks!

Carol Haines said...

If cabbage was good enough for our late queen……..just saying

Lizzie said...

Oh my goodness. Did we miss an announcement some time ago about your receiving a PONnette from an elderly lady. We can understand how difficult this must be for her but hope she will know her girl will be loved and cherished.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! A new PON!
Difficult transitions here. Cabbage is a sweet name. Poor dog, loosing her mum and her name as well might prove rather traumatic.

The Bougalou Bear said...

What exciting news! I,too, must have missed a chapter, but do remember a discussion about dog-specific rescues on the blog. Are you and the Font going the rescue way then?

I can't wait to meet Cabbage, and quite agree that the name is charming. After all, one of my late father's hunting dog was named Potage-don't ask-, and my first Boston Terrier went by Ducks.

I also feel for the elderly owner...

The Bougalou Bear said... of my late father's hunting dogs...

10NISNE1 said...

Exciting news!!!