Sunshine brings out the golfers. A small crowd impatiently standing by the first green on the Old Course. Lots of hardy Canadians waiting to tee off. They're making the most of the cheap pre-Easter hotel rates and betting that the weather will stay 'good'. Parking in town is once again proving to be a 'challenge'. Large rental SUV's capable of holding golf bags and their owners luggage now much in evidence.

We walk out along the beach to where the small river flows into the sea. Hares everywhere. They must be the bane of the green keepers lives. The better part of a dozen are seen scurrying across the fairways and into the safety of the gorse bushes. To see them in these numbers must be a clear signal that we're in mating season. One of the rangers stops to tell us that two young porpoise have been washed up next to each other on the beach. He's really saddened by this and thinks the unusual tides might have stranded them on a sandbar. We saw two Orcas in the bay last night perhaps they were responsible ?
Daffodils everywhere. They're even flowering in the thin sandy soil near the bird sanctuary. Nothing shouts a Scottish 'Easter' like the arrival of daffodils.
In the cinema a horror movie about an evil teddy bear. This, I'm betting, will be popular with the student demographic. Three more weeks of lectures followed by two weeks of revision and then we're into exam time. In eight weeks time the students will all be gone.
In readiness for this first influx of tourists the towns watering holes are putting out their high season menus. 'Loaded fries' on offer at the bar under the luxury block of flats. Seems you can get ' loaded fries ' with Haggis and peppercorn. Angus notes that in these inflationary times none of the menus show prices.
I'm sure you know the old adage - 'If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it.'
Great to read that the Mad March Hares are out in force.
Orcas too.
We saw the movie All of Us Strangers and thought it was wonderfully done. It was up for various awards but not the Oscars - we thought a mistake not to be included. It is not for homophobic viewers.
Hari OM
Orcas?! Wow indeed... YAM xx (who is in catch-up mode while parked in Maud...)
I saw a rabbit the other day, for some reason, a rare sight around here. The daffodils are a sure sign of spring.
Daffodils are springing up everywhere around here. The bright yellow flowers trumpet a promise-of-sunshine message.
WE miss croissants, too!! No daffodils here, but we've had our share of fires. The photo of the barrel cactus a reminder of the many burnt yuccas we encountered. Now, six years later and with lots of rain, most everything has grown back including some new species not seen before.
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