Monday, April 1, 2024

Frosty hauteur

We park by the harbour and walk up the steep hill in the direction of the cathedral ruins. At this time of the morning we have the place to ourselves. Give it  a couple of hours and the place will be heaving with Easter Monday visitors enjoying the bank holiday. The forecast is for rain. In fact as we walk the cloud to the North  builds up.

St Andrews is a town of three streets and scores of small lanes. Get away from the streets and into the lanes and you get away from the crowds. We walk for quarter of an hour without seeing another soul.

On the beach below the castle a start of week church service for the students. Snatches of music drift upwards on the breeze. The service seems to be well attended. A cynic might observe that exams are now impinging on the consciousness of the student body. A little heavenly help can't go amiss. The first of the exams will start exactly three weeks today. The path that leads to the library, usually quiet, is now extremely busy. The library shuts for five hours between two and  seven in the morning. At five to seven there's a queue formed up waiting to go back in.

A group of early rising tourists stop on the cliff top and look down at the students below.

In the window of a bungalow  a cat looks at this activity with a frosty hauteur.


Travel said...

Cats seem to be keen observers of human frailty.

Stephanie said...

A sense of tranquility in today's pictures. What a fine walking town St. Andrews is. It's been a while since a C-A-T has appeared on this blog.

rottrover said...

And it looks like the same black and white C-A-T! What a nice walk around town this morning, and what depressing links! I have scuba dived in the kelp forests off of California. So beautiful, and so much wildlife. There is a beautiful kelp forest exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Highly recommend if anyone is in the area. It's 3 stories tall and visitors can walk all around it and see the different species at the different depths.