Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Gaps in their knowledge.


The town settling into its tried and tested routines. Two weeks of revision time before exams start. Some students lock themselves in the library for the duration. Others foreswear alcohol or 'dating'. A few deal with exam time stress by having a  pre-breakfast game of football on the lawn. Being students the football players  ignore ( or are oblivious to ) the netting that has been put up to keep them off the newly seeded grass.

This morning we count a dozen or so brave souls heading down the steps that lead to the shore. Hardy youngsters opting for a short sharp dip in the sea as a  sure fire way to shock their systems into overdrive. Two cheerful lads take the 'dive in at the deep end' approach. Their screams can be heard half a mile away. 

Outside the cathedral a group of forty or so have gathered and are blocking the pavement . Early arriving foreign tourists peer at them. The students peer back. Some of the boys are wearing black tie. Perhaps its a ceremony to mark the execution of one of the towns many martyrs ? The tourists are more than happy to see this colourful display. They probably go away thinking this is how students here always dress.

By the time we set off home the parking spots are filling up. University staff coming in to provide last minute help to those with 'gaps in their knowledge'. Being a small place St Andrews ranks #1 in surveys for student satisfaction and support. This annoys larger and better known English institutions no end.

The local fisherman busy making more lobster creels. The arrival of the big spending golfers means the demand for fresh seafood  is skyrocketing. The fisherman spent the last two days out in the deep waters and hopes to go out again today - if the weather holds. 

The gardeners continue to amaze us with their hard work. Twenty shrubs went in yesterday, stone borders were laid and the first of the sandstone paving slabs put  in place. Today they will start turfing the lawns.

So starts a quiet Tuesday morning in April with the Scottish weather proving to be highly 'changeable'.

This seems important:https://gizmodo.com/fusion-reactor-princeton-muse-experiment-magnets-plasma-1851387646

Dogs :https://www.statnews.com/2024/04/05/dogs-prozac-fluoxetine-rising-use-reflects-owner-anxiety/

Strange eclipse fact :https://twitter.com/Jac5Connor/status/1777410289300033672


WFT Nobby said...

A dilemma this morning. Which link to click on first?

Coppa's girl said...

On the rare occasions that I have unknowingly jumped into very cold water, I have not had the breath to scream!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Clearly I should have stayed north of the Forth... Edinburgh is under a hosepipe... YAM xx

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your links - such a diverse and interesting collection. The one today that suggests that ours is the only eclipse in the universe amused me, though. I mean, our understanding of the universe is in its infancy, even though we love to see ourselves as masters of the universe. We are gaining information at a nice clip, but it cannot be denied that there is much more that we don't know than what we know.

Travel said...

I have not played golf in 50 years, but a lobster dinner sounds wonderful. -

Melinda from Ontario said...

I'm looking forward to pictures of your completed gardens. Stone walls sing to me.

rottrover said...

I'm with Melinda! Can't wait for photos :)