Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The benefits of layering.


An interesting  sunrise but the strong, biting wind coming from Svalbard dispels any thought of our pausing to watch it. We hurry out to the warmth of the car . Winter is stirring even if it's not quite reached here yet. The students, who have enjoyed a month of mild and sunny weather, are about to discover the benefits of  'layering' . 

Halloween now dominating the bakers window display. A tray of freshly baked ghouls take pride of place . They're placed at just the right height so that little ones on their way to school can see them. Canny marketing.

Inside there's a further selection of terrifying biscuits on the lower, toddler height, shelves of the display cabinet.

Scottish bakers may not have the finesse of French bakers but they provide old staples baked exactly as they have always been . The strength of culinary tradition should not be underestimated.

The cashmere shop has a new 'winter' display. This is the land of the tartan pashmina. Angus looks grumpily at a mannequin wearing a black tie with a tweed jacket. 

The strawberry lady that we've assumed to be Polish is, in fact, from Romania. She thinks that tomorrow will be her last day. As soon as she's harvested as much of the crop as she can she's off to Bucharest for some warmth. ' Scotland lovely country, lovely people, but so cold ' she says by way of explanation. Having sold strawberries for twelve hours a day for seven months solid he has had a remarkably remunerative year. The strawberries have a hint of that late season whiteness and crunchiness but we buy three punnets as they're still way better than the imports in the supermarket..

Birds we've lost :

Were our ancestors better off ? :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I am amazed at those strawberries - well done those folks! Yup, layering weather has definitely arrived - time to bring out my tartan wrap! YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

The strawberries look as though they hail from a warmer climate.
I once learned the art of layering on a holiday to Iceland - in July! Difficult to believe it could be 7-8ºC in high summer - even that far north.

Lisa in France said...

The article on the Carolina parakeets made me very sad. We loved seeing the flocks of wild parakeets in Los Angeles, and even in central Tokyo. I think I once saw/heard a group of ring-necked parakeets here in France but they were moving so fast, I was not entirely sure. The article about night life over the ages was fascinating.

Travel said...

53 (f) here in the DC burbs this morning, forecast low in the 40's tonight. Time for a tartan or two.