Wednesday, October 2, 2024

One of those trips

 It was one of those trips.

The weather forecast had promised sunshine . Instead it delivered a hurricane. The airline, ever sensitive to the weather, cancelled our connecting flight from Edinburgh to the US. Rebooked on a flight to Baltimore the next evening our luggage went to Philadelphia. At the airport 'The Fonts' phone was stolen. Dealing with a stolen phone in a different country proves to be 'interesting'. Our hotel, when we got there, had decided we were no shows and had reassigned our room. It was now fully booked. The fact we had prepaid and phoned to explain the situation with the flights was treated with remarkable disinterest. Service, or the lack of it, is not only a Scottish problem. Then, sequentially, we went down with an irritating bug that lasted exactly three days and had two symptoms - an all embracing lethargy and an irritating chest cough. Paracetamol proved ineffective but copious doses of Pinot Noir worked wonders.

We had a great time despite these inconveniences. We missed out on The Inn at Perry Cabin and a restaurant out beyond Manassas but discovered Annapolis which we loved and where we had a meal that was superb. Separated from our baggage we bought new wardrobes from UniQlo. This low end Ginza chic cannot be praised too highly although a choice of colour other than navy blue might have made us look less alarmingly colour coordinated.

On the way back we discover British Airways has backwards facing seats on its 787's. Angus has a great view of an engine cowl. We are now home from Edinburgh and the weather is ( annoyingly ) bright and sunny. Tomorrow when mind and body are once again coordinated there will be pictures.


WFT Nobby said...

Welcome back! You've been badly missed.
It was clearly an 'interesting' trip. Very much looking forward to hearing more.
Cheers, Gail.

Coppa's girl said...

Glad you are safely back! Gail has beaten me to saying you had an interesting trip!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
So glad you are returned safely... and yes, you missed some superb September weather. Such is the play of life. Rest well. YAM xx

jabblog said...

Welocme home. It seems the gods were against you.

Charlotte said...

Welcome home. Missed you. ☕️☕️

Travel said...

Welcome home, sorry the trip was more of an adventure than planned. You likely drove by where I live - where I 495 crosses the Potomac, on the south side on the Virginia side, there are a group of high rises on the hill, one of those.

Pam in NH said...

Happy that you are safely home.

Camille said...

It was so strange each morning not having an update from the last wee house before Denmark. Glad you've returned safe and sound. We've all missed you.

sillygirl said...

Yikes! The ONLY good thing about your trip is that you have stories to tell - that and enjoying many things anyway. Good on you!

Diaday said...

Copious doses of Pinot Noir do wonders in stressful situations.

waterdog said...

Glad you are home safely and with a new wardrobe! The American economy is grateful for your contributions! Sorry you missed The Inn at Perry Cabin. So near to where I live here in the Eastern Shore of Maryland and next to The Chesapeake bay Maritime Museum where my husband volunteers as a captain on the historic boat fleet. Glad you experienced Annapolis - a delightful town.
Get some rest - I’ll look forward to the pictures.

Stephanie said...

Thank goodness you're back. The mornings just aren't the same without you.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back. Your adventures would make an hilarious move.

Jake of Florida said...

With so much going on here. I feared what your experiences might be. And so far you've outdone my fears, with flight, phone, luggage, hotel room,, etc.. Like everyone else, I missed you and am happy you're back safely and can't wait for more details and pictures.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Oh, how I have missed you, and walks around town! I am glad you are back safely, and look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Oh, how I have missed you, and walks around town! I am glad you are back safely, and look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

You will dine out on that story.

I have been checking daily for your return. Your loss is our gain