Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Car delays and period costumes.

There's a thick frost on the Volvos windscreen this morning. Thank heavens for the pre-warm setting that de-ices the windows and heats up the interior.  I'll bet the young college golfers from Arizona will be surprised by the weather when they head out onto the fairways. There's no doubting that they're not in Tucson now.  

The car dealership has informed us the delivery of the new vehicle has been delayed until the end of November. They also want to revalue the trade in price we'd agreed on due to the delays. Angus will speak to the lawyer in Edinburgh this morning to see whether the contract allows them do this.

The first of the college teams are due to tee off at 8:45 but there's already a small crowd down by the first hole soaking up the atmosphere. There's also a group of local caddies sharing hints on how to deal with the fast running greens and wishing the youngsters well.

The excitement never seems to stop. Parking cones have been put out on the main street. A film company is in town shooting scenes for a new movie. Student extras are parading around dressed in 1970's era clothing. A group of them are being checked by a wardrobe mistress to ensure that their 'period' costumes are correct. We both find it rather salutary that 1970's clothing is now treated as 'period' . 

Uninspiring piles of Pumpkins in the supermarket.  Carver pumpkins are £2 each. In the box next door Carver pumpkins ( Conv ) are also £2. No one seems to know what the ( Conv ) means. 

The Squash in the farm store looks the part but is on the small side for a pumpkin display. The farmer has just harvested some cauliflowers and brussel sprouts. Their arrival on the shelves solves the problem of which vegetables should accompany tonights dinner.

The camera men are already hard at work beaming the golf into homes far away. We watch as a small forest of camera mounts ascend, one by one, into the sky.


WFT Nobby said...

Car dealers - don't you just love them....
Enjoyed today's links.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
...and of course, by 'reassess' it's meant in favour of the dealer and not the inconvenienced customer. I do hope the solicitor says no they can't! YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

Has the car dealership found a new way of making money? What reason is given for the delay?
It reminds me of the days when British Leyland were almost permanently on strike and I had ordered a Mini Cooper - a red one. That was at the end of January (1969 I think) and over the following months I was constantly told it would be delivered "soon". It finally arrived at the dealers in December and they had changed the name and model design completely. It was now a Mini 1275 GT! I hope that your car hasn't suffered a similar fate! These days there is no excuse for delays.

Travel said...

Time for a Mercedes. The fresh local sprouts look wonderful, in a nice gratin.

Gemma's person said...

If they can change the trade in price, you should be able change your mind on buying it!

rottrover said...

Where is Lisa in France when we need her wisdom? Any decrease in the value of the Volvo due to additional mileage is not your responsibility. THEY delayed! Grrrr

Lisa in France said...

Hopefully Angus's lawyer in Edinburgh will agree. I'm with Travel, maybe it's time for a Mercedes (with apologies to the Font).

Jim Davis said...

End of November? Really? May well be time to evaluate a different make. If memory serves you ordered that vehicle months ago.

Diaday said...

A gratin with the cauliflower and Brussels sprouts and a little bit of onion, if you have one, would be delicious.

Gemma's person said...

Hope the heater and preheater in your car on order are as substantial as you need!