Saturday, October 5, 2024

Settling back in.

The local paper announces that St Andrews has become home to a galaxy of music and film super stars. They're here for the Dunhill Golf Championship. The story is accompanied by a photo of Bill Murray, Huey Lewis, Tico Torres, Michael Douglas and Andy Garcia sitting on a bench in front of the R&A. We are left to consider what exactly the cut off level for 'superstar' is. Out here in the village the red Ferrari is still attracting the awestruck attention of the six to sixteen year old male demographic. Passing in the car we see that the town cinema has now closed and work has started on the new Tiger Woods / Justin Timberlake sports bar.

A big surprise on our recent trip. In Annapolis we had one of the best meals we've ever had in the US. We discover 'Preserve' a small 'modern American' restaurant with a young, creative chef. The house Chardonnay at a reasonable $12 a glass was a delight . The cooking had a sophistication and subtlety that stands out from the steak and crab cake offerings on the water front. The pork loin and the tiramisu cake worth trying.  It's reassuring ( and rare )  to find a young local guy managing to follow his own path. As we left the chef came out to say thank you for dining there. It's a long time since that last happened.

We've passed this bronze statue in DC many times but never paused to take a photo. The wounds on the feet the subtlest of pointers.

'Flight into Egypt' catches our attention in the Smithsonian. George Hitchcock  another American artist we'd never heard of. To begin with we think its a picture of a native American woman in a dusty corner of the South West. The scrub seems to dominate the picture but closer inspection shows an almost invisible Joseph stumbling dutifully and tenderly along behind. The things you find in little visited corners of art galleries.

The hotel in Georgetown, which we will not use again, had a large coffin shaped ( and sized ) marble coffee  table which Angus stubbed his toes on morning, noon and night. The gap between the sofa and the table required careful navigation. This level of mind motor coordination was rarely achieved. There was something about the decor that was underwhelming.

We are still not sure whether this thing that appeared on our dinner table was 1) a table decoration 2) a bowl to wash your fingers in or 3) part of the salad.

Not all new discoveries are good. This Oregon sparkling Pinot Noir is probably targeted at less jaded and more youthful palates. It was a tad too sinus clearingly lively for us.

Kilts for hire in the window of the Irish Traditions store.

2024 in a nutshell.

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