Monday, October 14, 2024

This ain't the student golf I remember.

NBC have arrived in force to set up cameras for the college golf championship. One of the camera men informs us that they'll be broadcasting live for three full days. American college golf, which used to be an innocent low key affair, is now a billion dollar business . The Saudis and the UAE are big investors in the sport which may explain the sudden appearance of a brace of brightly coloured Lamborghinis in the practise range car park. This is the second year the championship has been run in St Andrews although we seem to have missed it altogether last year. All the hotels are once again full.

Out by the barns we meet a happy lady with the back of her car loaded with jars of honey. She's on her way to a Christmas market and is pouring herself a cup of coffee from a thermos flask.  You'd think that Christmas markets could wait until November but there seem to be enough shoppers around to make it worth her while.  'The Font' is delighted to discover the woman and her team make bees wax candles. The sort of thing we could find easily in France but more difficult to source here :  

The water in the harbour calm enough to reflect the uninspiring 1960's block of flats .

We detour past the cathedral towards the Italian coffee shop for a restorative espresso. Away from the crowds of enthusiastic teens ( and their corporate sponsors )  gathering at the golf course this end of town is completely empty.


The Life of Riley said...

I love the smell of bees wax cables burning, but bees wax always reminds me of hearing old people saying "mind your own bees wax".

The Life of Riley said...

candles, not cables!