Friday, March 21, 2025

$50 coffee

The 'savage wee bug' is living up to its name but the sun is out and we manage a brief walk through town. The news this morning dominated by the 'surprising' fire that's knocked out all power to Heathrow. We pass the local Post Office and the neighbouring Bank of Scotland which are housed in truly awful 1920's era buildings. The architect(s) were big on straight lines. We try, vainly, to find something positive to say about their design.  The two buildings also have their own flagpoles although I've never seen a flag on either.

The upmarket student drop in centre now has olive trees positioned outside the front door. The great unveiling must be drawing nigh. A sign has appeared which  says 'SPACE' in capital letters. It's presumably the sort of name that signals style and conviviality to the average nineteen year old.

Through the - firmly locked - front door I can see a woman filling a shelf with house plants. Angus wonders how many students will pop in for a latte and a ficus but assumes that someone has thought this through.

The menu is more of a surprise.Does $50 for a cafetiere for six together with half a dozen croissants sound reasonable to you ?

Back at home the local Postie delivers some magazines and stops for a wee chat ( from a safe distance ). He and his girl friend are thinking of going to Egypt for their summer holiday. " We can be sure it'll be sunny and the prices are great but we have tae fly frae Manchester ". Angus wonders how long the typical pale skinned Scot would need to spend under the August Red Sea sun before suffering skin burn. Thirty minutes ?  Twenty ? He keeps this thought to himself. 

The front cover of Scottish Field with a Westie amid snowdrops has been designed as an attention grabber.

Private Eyes front cover keeps us abreast of current events.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
If indeed it is dollars, then that's still six quid a coffee and croissant per person (after conversion)... but eight quid, if you meant to type £ instead. The six might equal city-level costs but eight would be hair-raising even in Edin or Glas.... If space makes a success of itself, there's more money than sense going around!

The art piece is grotesquely fascinating and Molly and her peep entertaining. The population estimates were worrying enough... and I bought a perfectly ordinary pineapple yesterday. No need for any other nonsense. YAM xx

Camille said...

A wee Westie amid snowdrops certainly captured my heart. We had Dottie's DNA tested and it turns out she has a goodly amount of Westie mixed with in with her Cairn. Very much enjoyed the travelogue with Molly and friend.

Lisa in France said...

Bless Private Eye.

Travel said...

Living in the Washington DC area, $5 for coffee and $3.50 for a croissant is kind of normal. We would like the White House back, he can have the present occupant.

Anonymous said...


Jim Davis said...

Truly, it is right on point with this issue.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

“Angus wonders how many students will pop in for a latte and ficus”, made me laugh out loud!!!

rottrover said...


Stephanie said...

Thank you for the link to the Jean Charlot piece; it's captivating.

Anonymous said...

If my calculations are correct you save 1£ if you have a party of six compared to ordering three of the party of two servings. Here in Seattle it costs about $14, not including tip,to buy two lattes at the favored local coffee shop. When you pay you are given four options as to tip amounts. I’d feel like a grump if I chose the lowest amount so pick the next to highest amount .
Love the Westie and snowdrops!