It was almost 20 degrees in parts of England yesterday. For early March that's remarkable. Here it struggled to get into double digits but it was sunny and the skies were cloud free. The village gardeners were out in force to enjoy the sunshine as were the local bird watchers. We stand on the farm track and marvel at the way in which the air pressure changes when large flocks of honking swans fly low overhead. The rest of the week is forecast to be colder and cloudier.
The picture of the laughing girl with the camel has gone from the window of the fancy ladies outfitters. It's been replaced by a poster of Leonardos Lady with an Ermine - the Mona Lisa's sister. In the late 1970's in Zakopane we met a waiter in our hotel who as a prisoner had worked in the Wawel in Krakow. He explained the meaning of the tattoo on his arm and told us the Nazi governor at the time had hung this picture above a radiator where he could see it from his desk. It is amazing miraculous it's survived.
We pop into chapel to listen to the organ scholar practising for a recital later this week. We now know the porter who greets us by name and leaves us to settle down in the corner by the radiator. A touch of something both Eastery and Presbyterian this morning : The pew we're sitting on vibrates when the organist (literally) pulls out all the stops.
There's an exhibition by Franki Raffles , a photographer , in the cloisters outside. Turns out she was a student here as the same time as us. What interesting, and unexpected, careers people followed. Sadly, she died 30 years ago while giving birth to twins. Her photos of women workers in Soviet Russia are powerful.
When we were staying in DC in September we bumped into Martin Sheen getting into a large Cadillac Escalade in the forecourt of The Jefferson. Only now have we discovered that he was on his way to the White House: When will such erudition again be heard in the Rose Garden ?
Understanding Poland :
Even your choice of lawyer has become political :!?
Bricks making a comeback :
1 comment:
Does the porter call you Mr and Mrs, or Angus and the Font? Enquiring minds want to know.
BTW, have a look at Argile in EDI. We ate there on Friday before the rugby. It was a wonderful experience.
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