The bees have returned. Lots of them. Fat, loud and busy. 'The Fonts' cabin provides a great view of scores of the wee things happily buzzing away on the heather beds. This year the farmers honey output should be epic.
A pack of Dachshunds see her Isadora Duncan routine and hurtle over to join in. The dogs owner has to run to separate them from the tall young woman. Pirouetting figures dancing in the water, in evening dress, are of great interest to Dachshunds. The tall young woman seems oblivious to their enthusiastic participation in her routine. Our judgement may have been right.
The new hotels 'fancy' outside chairs have survived their first night of use. Three blue wheelie bins slightly detract from what should be one of the most iconic views in the golf world.
So starts a quiet Sunday morning in a small town on the North Sea waiting for summer to arrive.
Sunday potpourri
A Scandinavian start to the day on the car radio :
One of our soon to be co-passengers sends us this on the pleasures of waiting : Makes me think our shipmates will be just fine
This was good :
Supersonic travel returning ? :
The events of the last month are already having consequences :
Stone tools were being made 1.5 million years ago :
Hari OM
As ever, I enjoyed cruising around in the pot pourri. Re the blue bins - perhaps Angus can investigate the magic erasure tool in his phone to eradicate those bins and et voila! YAM xx
Dance like nobody's watching.
The article about Poland and its brilliant PM heartened me more than anything else I have read recently.
The pictures and description of your returning spring are beautiful. I'm a bit envious of the tall evening-gowned woman dancing on the shoreline.
I enjoyed the article on waiting. And yes, it does look like you'll have some good company on your trip. I would much rather talk about the exact arrival of Spring than one's hourly rate at their white shoe law firm. I don't know why that annoyed me so much. Maybe it's because it's such a crass example of Americans abroad. Especially at a time when America looks so ridiculous to the rest of the world.
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