Somehow, without being told, Bob knows that Angus is about to put on his 'going away' shoes.
Angus has to go to Scotland to do an inventory of the contents in the wee house. He goes to the local electrical store to buy some additional lenses for the i-Phone.
After our shopping expedition dog and master sit outside on the bakers terrace. The PONs wander around and sniff the shrubs while waiting for their croissant slivers to arrive. This morning the baker comes out to say hello. Both he and the young lady who works behind the counter are greeted enthusiastically. PONs are a breed extremely wary of strangers - the cure for this wariness is to bribe them with food - preferably croissant or Jaffa Cakes. The baker and his assistant have been well trained.
On our way back we pass the Senegalese melon pickers hard at work repairing the damage to the poly tunnels after last nights storm. What back breaking work. Not made any easier by the fact that it's as humid as Louisiana in August. More storms are threatened at the time Angus is due to take off.
This chart tells us so much :

And finally ..... 1300 years is a long time to be away :
Bob does look very concerned. I am also going away tomorrow, but Cherry hasn't caught on yet, as she's too busy worrying about where my daughter (who is off on a school trip this week) has gone. Also, we brought my suitcase up from the basement last weekend but it's still sitting in the hall unopened and unthreatening. Cherry, as a hard-working and responsible PON, hates suitcases.
As ever, the geek here is intrigued by the graph. China's rapid increase in % share of GDP is predicted to slow down, but India's to continue apace. Is this related to demographics? And how did the USSR ever get the idea it could compete with the USA? And why is the USA's line so bumpy? And.... Oh, so many questions!
Suitcases and PONs. We smuggle ours out of the house and into the back of the car when they're in the kitchen being bribed with a treat !
I fear two bad interpretations of the graph: first, that the big spike was WWII, when, soldiers' lives aside, the U.S. was the only major country not damaged by war--the prosperity came at the expense of everybody else and war is profitable, especially when it happens on somebody else's turf. Second is that the uninformed would argue that the decline post-2000, especially the sharp drop around 2004, was the fault of Obama and not the result of bad policies that led to a bubble that popped, with the aftermath still being felt. Unemployment may finally be down, but so are wages for most people.
Best wishes for stuff-counting and door-color-rectifying. We look forward to new special photographic effects.
I predict a sharper drop for the US because of this "trade war" that our brilliant president is trying to start.
Safe travels, I hope all goes well at the wee-house!
Oh the strawberry thing and a lemon tart for me today thanks.
Is that more spy equipment Angus? Espionage in quiet Scotland - the plot thickens.
Hari OM
...lenses for phones??? The photographer in me is shuddering - but also mildly in awe. I too was ingrigued by the graph, but in the moment am less concerned with that than with PONs emotions at potential absences! YAM xx
I didn’t know they made lenses for smartphones. Looked them up on Amazon.
Never to old to learn new things.
Lenses for smartphones are a new thing for me too. Just looked at mine and can't see how I'd fix one, so must investigate further !
Safe journey to the wee house Angus, and trust all is well upon your arrival. If 'The Font' is staying behind, at least there is no fear of a sudden sharp decline in culinary excellence at the ROF.
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