Monday, April 17, 2023

After the photo.

The weekend weather wonderful. We park by the harbour and walk with Sophie up through the old cathedral. En route we chat to 'our' fisherman who promises some langoustine for tomorrows nights dinner. Sophie has to be encouraged away from his lobster creels that are exuding exotic maritime smells. For an old lady her enthusiasm for mischief - or diesel oil - remains undiminished. A Canadian woman in one of those long padded coats stops to tell the fisherman that they have tides like this on the Bay of Fundy. 'Oh yes we do ' says her husband in case we're in any doubt.

Peak wedding season. Covid saw many weddings delayed. There's now a mad rush to catch up with the backlog. The ten o'clock crowd block the pavement while the nine o'clock crowd head off to the altar.

Tourists are also beginning to arrive . For some reason the town is full of Italian visitors. I'm guessing the airline summer schedules have started and with them direct flights from Rome and Milan to Edinburgh.  They stand and watch as a lady in a startling green dress tries to herd the nine am's  kilted male guests into posing for a wedding photo. ' Canapes will be served after the group photo ' she says over and over. Herding cats might be easier. The Italians are delighted and reinforced in their view that all Scots men spend their day wandering around in kilts while playing the bagpipes.  Student sunbathers look up from their revision with the studied disinterest that is the hallmark of  late teens. The Italians, in unison, clap. 

The ten am wedding is more patrician. Most of the men are wearing formal Highland day wear rather than evening wear. A small but telling difference.

At the Good Coffee Cafe this morning Sophie knows the window cleaners dog is about but try as she might she can't see where he is. The window cleaner promises to attend to the windows at the wee house in town. ' I've no wanted to disturb yer tenants ' he says in what might pass as an excuse for his inactivity.


WFT Nobby said...

If the wedding guest in the bright green dress chose her outfit with the aim of standing out from the crowd, she certainly was successful.

The Life of Riley said...

Never trust the words of a window cleaner who can't keep his own work vehicle clean!

Coppa's girl said...

Ditto Gail's comment about the bright green dress. In the past she might just, for a moment, have been taken for our late Queen - it was a colour she might have worn.
Was the window cleaners dog hiding from Sophie. I can only just about make him out!

jabblog said...

A nine-a.m. wedding sounds dreadful. Even 10.00 is too early.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I, too, had thoughts as Gail... and Life of Riley! And, for that matter, Jabblog! YAM xx

Travel said...

Thanks for taking us alone on a nice morning stroll - I need to visit there.

EAS said...

Startling green dress AND shoes!

Diaday said...

Enthusiastic and mischievous old ladies add a little spice to life! Thank you for a lovely morning stroll.

Stephanie said...

I'm not sure I have seen that particular shade of green before.

rottrover said...

Love the drool on the window washers truck! My car odin looks that way!

kippy said...

Perhaps Ms Green Dress is the wedding planner and wears bright colors so the wedding party and guests know she’s to be obeyed. Or she’s just a take charge kind of guest.
I agree with the comments about the window cleaner’s car.

Tigger's Mum said...

That is indeed a startling green dress.

Angus said...

Kippy - The window cleaner was eating a bacon roll which is ( for his dog ) cruel and unusual punishment.