Saturday, April 8, 2023

Nine loves

Good Friday was as good as it gets. Bright and sunny and warm. We have a pre dinner drink looking out over the sea - watched by deer and geese. The first shirt sleeve day of the year. The good weather enables Sophie's 'incremental' fur trimming to continue . Her undercarriage is attended to . The divas compliance was assured by the judicious offer of half a carrot.  Following her belly trim the amount of sand dragged into the house has fallen by at least 90%.

On our way back from the beach we pop in to collect a book on Russia that has had rave reviews. We spent a lot of time in the region in the early 80's and it comes as something of a surprise that our experiences as 20 somethings should now be considered history.  The bookshop is staffed by a group of smart and thoughtful young people who start early and finish late. Both Sophie and Angus are now recognized by name. There is a small bowl of dog treats on the counter which are 'liberally' dispensed.

The fancy baker is our next stop. We pick up a sour dough loaf, a baguette and two things that I think are Swedish cinnamon cakes but aren't. Back at the wee cottage it turns out the cinnamon cakes are filled with beef dripping mixed with something tart and cloyingly unpleasant. This is a surprise and a disappointment. The baker charges £19 which seems pricey. I'm not sure we'll go back again.

To the butcher for the Easter leg of lamb.

Back at the wee cottage the tulips have been picked in readiness for lunch.

'The Font' has started to read the  book that was sent to us from France. Here is a photo of the old mayor of our little village in France with one of his 'loves'. His face says it all. This one got his heart racing because 'thick clay and steep hills , even after a downpour, were a mere bagatelle'. He has had no less than nine mechanical loves. Each has a chapter of its own.

Easter music - Ungated for a week . For a quick glimpse click on the  preview button and move to the 2:20 mark : If that doesn't work try here - 


Coppa's girl said...

Nice to see Sophie looking so svelte now that her tummy hair has been trimmed.
The bread doesn't look terribly appetising Angus, it seems to be slightly burned - perhaps the baker's oven was turned too high, and the "buns" are very badly charred - what a disappointment when you expected cinnamon flavour.
What a delightful photo of the Old Mayor and one of his loves - after his wife of course! Years ago I read a novel with a title something like "Tractor Driving in the Ukraine". I wonder, if it's published, the OM's book will be translated into English?
Happy Easter to you all at the last house before Denmark - enjoy your Easter lamb.

Jake of Florida said...

Those were interesting years in Russia. I'll have to check out the book. I majored in Russian studies at Barnard and hate that what I once loved I now can't abide. Happy Easter to the three of you and all the creatures who populate your delightful world.

WFT Nobby said...

Sophie is looking magnificent on the beach today, if a trifle top heavy...
Is there a niche market for books eulogising rusty old tractors?

jabblog said...

Sophie looks pounds lighter, but it's all an illusion.
Fancy baker = fancy prices and disappointment.

Lisa in France said...

Sophie looks rather tall in that first photo! And I love the photo of the Old Mayor and the Caterpillar. The photo of the tulips makes me want to run to the store. We are currently staying in a rental and I haven't bought any flowers here, but maybe it is time if there are any still left today - the amount and variety of Easter items in the French stores continues to amaze.

Diaday said...

Easter blessings to all of you at the last house before Denmark.

Stephanie said...

What a thoroughly enjoyable post, Angus! The picture of the Old Mayor is priceless. I echo the Easter blessings to you all.

Stephanie said...

Yes, I remember reading this book. "A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian".

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
A dear old friend of my father is a tractor collector. He has three barns full of models from all eras - including, yes, a Caterpillar track model like the OMs!

Like "Jake", I have had a long interest in Russia and its history; it is hard to think of it kindly these days. However, it is important to remember that there as many of its people who are as befuddled and distressed by the state of play as any of us here are. I would recommend the Economist-produced podcast NEXT YEAR IN MOSCOW. The voices and experiences of exiled Russians... YAM xx

Yamini MacLean said...

PS - the music sublime, the poem amazing. Happy Easter! Yxx

Coppa's girl said...

Yes, Stephanie has remembered the title of the book!

Travel said...

At our age, the joys of our 20's and 30's are the history of today. If the Mayor's book is translated to English, I'd read it, sounds like fun. What your good baker charged, is about what I pay here in the DC area. The sourdough would be about $10, a baggett about $5, and the pastries about $4 each.
Happy Easter.

Jake of Florida said...

Just learned via Google that The Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian is actually a romance novel. But then I guess so is the Old Mayor's tale. And Angus, The Soviet Century is 928 pages. Heavy lifting involved!

kippy said...

I agree that that the bakery goods look on the verge of burnt. What a not so good surprise regarding the not really cinnamon cakes. Lovely photo of Sophie today and the OM photo made me smile as well.
Happy Easter everyone!