Thursday, June 8, 2023


'Tummy trouble'. The best remedy is  a tour of the town. Not a soul to be seen at one o'clock. Every lamp post is carefully sniffed and studied. Our tour is conducted at a 'stately' pace. What the CCTV security guys must think when a slow moving fluffy dog and a hastily dressed man in carpet slippers appears on their screens is best left unimagined. ' It's that tramp and his mutt '. 

Come seven the family diva signals she wants to go out again. We head to the cathedral garden. The day  starting  warm and bright. Tourists arriving on the first bus from Edinburgh greet us. A retired golfing couple  introduce themselves. " Hi. We live near Chesapeake Bay " the man says as he tickles Sophie's ears. They  are in town celebrating their fifty fifth wedding anniversary. " We played Pebble Beach on our fiftieth. This is the only thing that could cap that " the wife informs me.

Fox scent on the grass in the cloister. Sophie follows it across the lawn, nose down, scampering like a puppy. She's completely lost in the thrill of the moment. Everything has led to this glorious tail wagging moment of bliss. A purpose in life to fill eternity. The garden echoes to the sound of bees drunk in the warmth. The family diva stands by the garden gate exhausted by her fox hunting but mesmerized by the sight of her shadow. 

At the bacon roll cafe the PONette shows no interest in either bacon or the roll. She has a cautious drink from the water bowl that's been brought out by the barista. An American woman in a bright scarlet puffer jacket, blue leggings and Hermes head scarf wanders over and asks " I'm from New York and coffee is really, really  important to me. Is it any good here ? ". That's a lot of information to process at this time of the morning but I reassure her that it's good enough for myself and my companion. "How fabulous. How absolutely fabulous" she replies. 'Fabulous' is pronounced in an elongated Brooklyn way that rises from a low FAB to a high LUSSHFABB-yeww-LUSSH.  The family diva looks up and assumes that the woman is talking about  her - which on this unscripted morning, of all mornings, is the way it should be. 

Things start to move quickly. A breakfast of warm spaghetti and sausage ignored. Even the luridly coloured ( and usually forbidden ) supermarket dog treats, scientifically formulated to be irresistible, are spurned.  By the water bowl at the back door Sophie stumbles and struggles to get up.  A whimper - her first. This is when experience shouts out ' Now's the time' in an owners ear. The call made. An hour later later we're at the vets. Ten years condensed into seconds. That wide eyed 'will it hurt ?' look. Reassurance given. Trust cemented. The second injection. Paws held. " Good girl " said. Three quick breaths and she's running on ahead. 

Our male PONs were all aw shucks playful mischief makers. Sophie was a higher order of creation  - she was independent and stubborn and strong willed ( as only a lady with two titanium knees and an oaf of a brother could be ) and yes, she was, in her own way fabulous.  

Tonight a bottle of champagne will be opened and an old friend thanked for her faithful service. 

One thing to make you laugh. In that hour between making the call to the vet and heading off in the car Sophie decides she wants to go for another walk. She turns left at the front door and makes it the hundred yards down the road to the small hotel with the French breakfast chef. It takes a full five minutes but we get there. On the pavement outside the hotel kitchen she turns to let me know that this is where she wants to be. Here we stop. The chef sees her through the window and appears with a warm sausage. 'Bonjour madame'. It's sniffed but not eaten.  'The Font' goes to get the car as Sophie settles on the pavement for a nap. A place with happy memories. Pedestrians divert around us. This is where she's scooped up and driven to the surgery.

How's that for being a diva to the end ?


Virginia said...

Oh Sophie. Fabulous to the very end. To you two wonderful, caring owners, my condolences. Like many others, I’m sad, but glad you new when the time was right. XX

WFT Nobby said...

Darling Sophie. How we loved you. What a wonderful ten years, ended with kindness.
Sending love and hugs to you and the'Font'.
Gail and Nobby xx.

The Life of Riley said...

Your diva will be missed by so many people around the world. RIP dear Sophie.

Teena and Lala said...

Oh Angus and Mme Font, I'm so very sorry for your great loss.

The right time, but always, always too soon.

That usual tightening in my chest and tears.

Goodbye beautiful Sophie Pon. You were loved by so many.

Here's to your next adventures with brother Bob and no doubt Wilfy-Pon and Digby. I hope you meet Merlin - I think you'll be quite taken with him.

Much love


Tigger's Mum said...

Lots of tears here. We can't thank you enough for leading us through this most awful time for your family, with dignity and love, and in the process giving us too the strength to face our own impending 'end of an era'. (F and Mr B)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for loving and sharing the life of your beautiful Sophie. May the angels guide her gently to be with Bob and her cousins. While they excitedly wait for her arrival to welcome her.

Anonymous said...

I’m so sorry for your loss. Goodbye Sophie! I said to myself I should tell you this morning to give Sophie some extra ear scritches from a reader in Canada (long time reader, infrequent commenter) before it’s too late. And now it is suddenly too late. She was a dear dog. I hope to visit her beach someday. If I do, I’ll do it in remembrance of her. My sympathies to you and the font.

Ruth said...

I'm taking Monsieur Macron's words “To you, she was your Queen. To us, she was The Queen. She will be with all of us forever.” Thank you for sharing her life with us and we'll raise a glass tonight.

Camille said...

Dear girl Sophie, so much we've all enjoyed you and how very much we shall miss you. Kiplings 'Power of the Dog' keeps running through my mind, but none of us would ever change a thing or have it any other way. Thank you Angus for including us on this journey. Deepest sympathy to you and the Font. X

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I cannot add any useful words; just know that Love with the capital 'ell' wings its way from me to thee... and a special shout out of hugs and wags and run free in the ether, dear Sophie. YAM"aunty" xxx

paphosmuseum said...

Crying, again.

Tara said...

Oh Angus, hugs to you and 'the Font' on the loss of your much loved companion. They take such a big piece of the heart when they go. I'm going to have red eyes when I go to work this morning, but thank you for sharing the adventures of your PONs with us.

Charlotte said...


Michele said...

There are no words of comfort that suffice. Like many, I am in tears and cannot even imagine the hole in your hearts and lives that Sophie's passing leaves. Thank you both for sharing your fabulous diva with us.

Selina said...

Tears Tears Tears. Thank you for sharing her with us. X

jabblog said...

So, so sorry for you, but glad that Sophie was happy to the end. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing her beautiful life with us, she will be greatly missed. (I bet she gets a kiss when Bob sees her)
Abby and mom

Iza said...

Dear Sophie, Thank you for taking us on an adventure every day. You will be so missed.

Anonymous said...

Tears for a family I have never met and enjoyed over the years. Thank you for sharing Sophie and Bob. My sympathies to you and the Font.

EAS said...

Sophie’s day sounds like a wonderful abbreviation of her life even revisiting her French roots in the end. Godspeed dear Sophie, you and your flock are loved! May happy memories carry Angus and The Font through the difficult times and a tranquil looking Swedish getaway recharge your souls!

Anonymous said...

Dear Angus and The Font,

I am so sorry for your great loss.

Our canine companions really do get deep in our hearts. Sophie was a fabulous lady and I thank you for including us in her life and for her including us in your flock.

Sophie joins so many others missing from our lives but who are never forgotten.



Susan said...

So very sorry for your loss. I am sitting here crying over a dog I never met, but read about each morning of her life. She had quite the life. Thinking of you.

Travel said...

The world is so sad at your loss. She will be missed by many- she had a good life and taught us many lessons about enjoying the world around us.

Take care of yourself, and your family. Take the time to heal.

Fay said...

I wish all our last days were as glorious. Our sympathy to all of Sophie's family and friends. Even "friends" from afar will miss her mightily.

Lesley in Chicago said...

Tears for you and Sophie from Chicago. How can it be 10 years since you brought her and Bob home? You are an exceptional writer and your dogs' lives are exceptionally lived. I will keep tuning in, with hopes that another PON chapter will unfold. Lesley

Swan said...

I am so gave her the gift of letting go her way, her choice.. the greatest gift of love. She brought me so much joy, just connecting with her each day. May you draw strength from the memories and the knowledge that your writing was a gift to us all.

mhgardendogs said...

Oh, Sophie! What a fabulous life you have led. Now it's on a world with endless croissant ends and bacon rolls after a stroll on the beach. Good girl!

Anonymous said...

Yes, a fabulous life. Such a huge void left in so many hearts and lives around the world.

suej said...

Thank you Angus for sharing these final moments of her life with us and these wonderful photos. My heart goes out to you and The Font. Sophie, the most special of divas, will be sorely missed.

local alien said...

I was another great fan of Sophie's and Bob too. Thank you for sharing their lives with us. RIP

Judith said...

Only Bob is happy today.

Jake of Florida said...

Ten years flashing by with so many memories. My heart shares your grief. That moment when our furry love lets us know it's time. Thank you Angus for gifting us with your delightful tales of this extraordinary girl.

Janice said...

She was such a sweet girl. Always sharing her sausage roll and taking you on lots of adventures. All the best for you both as you toast your diva.

Barbara Anne said...

What a magnificent exit, just perfect for sweet Sophie. Deep sympathy to you and The Font, Angus.
Of course I'm in tears.


serena said...

Oh Sophie, we'll miss you! To The Font and Angus, thank you for sharing your sweet girl and taking such wonderful care of your babies. I hope, in time, we'll see you enjoying another wonderful Pon.

Stephanie said...

Oh Sophie, I will miss you so. The years seem to have flown past in only brief moments. Hasn't it been a grand adventure? Thank you always, Angus for immeasurably brightening so many lives. She was the Sophie we love to the very end and she will remain in our hearts. Deepest sympathy to you and The Font and thank you again for a tale well told. With love from Robert and Stephanie

Vicki Crown said...

My heart breaks reading your words. I will miss you, Sophie. Run free and meet up with Bob over the bridge. Thank you for sharing your days with me. You will never know what a bright light you were in my humdrum days. My deepest sympathies to Angus and The Font. Love from Texas. Vicki

Melinda from Ontario said...

Goodbye, Sweet Sophie. You will be missed by so many.

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog just as you got Bob and Sophie as puppies. I loved watching them grow up. Sophie’s constant irritations from her “oaf of a brother” especially regarding proper seating placement in the back of the car. And Bob, the “affable fellow,” who was always tolerant and patient with his high-strung overwrought sister. I cry this morning, with so many others around the world, over the news of Sophie’s death. The skies are very gray and hazy here in the Eastern U.S. I feel this is indicative of what mornings will be like now without the daily charming missives of Sophie. I send you my deepest condolences as well as my thankful gratitude for sharing her with us these last ten years. What a delight she has been. How quiet and somber your house must seem without the voice and sounds of the world’s most darling diva. She will be missed.

William Schmitt said...

Thanks for sharing Sophie’s journeys. Best regards.

Lisa in France said...

We've all known this was coming, but it is still a terrible shock. I'm very sorry for your loss, but you can feel comfortable that no dog has ever had a better last few days. I will ask Cherry to watch out for her - I like to imagine the PONettes creating some mischief together and causing some havoc for the boys.

Mary said...

Sophie was fabulous to the end. Thank you for sharing her with us, we all feel her loss. Take care of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

We send our sympathy to you and 'the Font' on the loss of your much loved Sophie. Every morning, first in France and then in Scotland, we have been totally immersed in Sophie's adventures. We hope that she was soon reunited with Bob.
Wendy & Tom (Wales)

June said...


marci said...

Sweet sweet Sophie. Hearts are hurting but you are running free and happy. Thank you Angus and the Font for sharing her adventures with us. My sweet Henry sleeping upstairs is going blind in one eye, struggling with mobility. But still my goofy loving boy and we march on. How grateful, and how lucky,
we are for the love from our four footed companions. God bless you both!

Millie and Walter said...

We're so sorry to read this news about Sophie but are comforted to know she had a wonderful last day. How interesting that she chose to visit one of the first places she found in her new hometown on her last day with you. Even if she wasn't interested in a final sausage, it seems she wanted to thank the chef for his kindness. We send warm hugs to you and the Font on this day of transition for you both.

Millie, Walter and mom Cindy

Coppa's girl said...

Tears here too - I somehow knew, when I turned on to read your blog early this morning and there was nothing. I am so very sorry and feel that I have lost a much loved dog too. We shall all miss her so very much.
Condolences to you and 'The Font', Angus.
Run with that 'oaf of a brother' Sophie, free from pain

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read about dear Sophie. My thoughts are with and The Font.

B-Kat said...

Godspeed dear Sophie. My deepest sympathies to her little flock.

Linda Sue said...

Well done, sir- your little diva is grateful, as are we who have followed her every move through this life. Thank you so much, I have loved Sophie, and her gang. Carry on,, Be well. Love to you. Lump in throat, eye water dripping down into my collar, you are on my mind and i wish you both well.

10NISNE1 said...

A Diva to the end, indeed. Such a fabulous soul! I'm sorry you are going through the sadness that all dog lovers know will one day inevitably come.

Susan said...

Oh, what a dog! My heartfelt condolences to you and the Font. Love from Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

I cannot add anything to the lovely comments above but simply underscore them. Sophie, I will miss your antics, sweet Diva. Love and virtual hugs to Angus and Font. ❤️Liz in Oregon

Anonymous said...

Good night sweet Sophie. Good dog!❤️❤️

Regina M. said...

Although expecting this - whew!~ My heart goes out to you both. When I first found your blog and started following your stories of the two beautiful dogs in your lives I was thrilled. Thank you so very much for sharing. Warmest wishes during this sad period of adjustment from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine. Regina

kippy said...

What a wonderful and fabulous life she had. Thank you for sharing her (and her predecessors) and your own adventures with us. She started out bring that shy cautious puppy and turned into a curious, active (despite those Titanium legs) life of the party companion. Your home must feel quite lonely and too quiet without the diva. Sending love and sympathy to you and the Font.

vΓ©ronique Perez said...

Au revoir adorable Sophie, merci d’avoir avec Bob enchantΓ© mes jours.
Tous les deux vous resterez dans mon cΕ“ur Γ  jamais.
Merci Angus d’avoir eu la gentillesse de nous faire partager tous ces moments. Courage Γ  vous deux.
J’espΓ¨re que vous continuerez Γ  nous donner de vos nouvelles.
AmitiΓ©s de France,

Allison said...

I will miss your stories and photos of Sophie. She was a good dog to the very end.

Jim Davis said...

An indomitable spirit to the end. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, the good parts and the bad. Many people turned to your blog daily to see the adventures of a Polish Lowland sheepdog that they had never met. Now we share your grief at her passing. You gave her a wonderful life and she returned that love and trust to you both. We'll raise a glass tonite in her memory. So sorry for your loss.

rottrover said...

Tears flowing here, too, for all the dogs we've lost. How they enrich our lives with their love and their unique quirks! I found your blog in about 2009 when I'd just lost my Allie-girl. I was bereft and no one understood. I believe you had just lost Digby and the supportive community I found here was a balm. I found other blogs, and soon we had our own. We've not blogged en a long time, but have continued follow your PON adventures daily. A virtual glass will be raised here in LA in Sophie's honor, and with gratitude to you and The Font for sharing her daily adventures so beautifully. FABB-yeww-LUSSH!!

Pam in NH said...

Thank you Mme Font and Angus for sharing Sophie with us. We are so very sorry. Your love for Sophie inspired the world. Bye dear Sophie, we will always love you. Good Girl! XXX

Anonymous said...

Dear Angus and The Font,
Thank you for sharing Sophie's life with us. She's been a constant source of fascination and endearing humor to the lucky readers of your blog:) My deepest condolences to you both at her passing "over the rainbow bridge."

I'm a Sophie Doodle Dog said...

I am so sad to read this about Sophie. Sending peace and love during this difficult time. Sophie was one of a kind.

Ruth S said...

So sorry, thinking of you both. Glad Sophie managed to enjoy life to the end, with your special care. Thank you so much for sharing her with us, she will be missed. Can't imagine how you must be feeling as she was such a part of your daily life. Take care x

Anonymous said...

This community of Sophie followers all feel the void. From Southwest Georgia in USA I am lifting up The Font and you along with our community of Sophie. What a delight she was and as others I started my morning with her. Sending love.

Charlotte said...

I agree. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

opakowana said...

I remember when you first got Bob and Sophie. And she was the shy one. I KNEW from the start she was not. She was amazing and fabulous and now I am crying. She is now running with Bob and maybe our Sally somewhere, where they are all heathy, young and happy. The memories will stay though.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I have loved all your dogs like my own. And I believe Sophie is being greeted today by Edward and Digby, Wilf, and Apple, and Bob. We will toast dear Sophie through tears tonight. Take care of yourself.

Lola's Mum said...

"Dogs' lives are too short.Their only fault,really." - Agnes Sligh Turnbull

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your Sophie stories with us. She leaves the World a better place for having been her precious self. Penny

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

I dared to peak today as like all of us, I have been dreading the news, and trying to pick a time when I could sob quietly in private. Now many hearts are breaking for the loss of darling Sophie, the empathy for you and The Font, and the reality that we are all losing, or have lost, our own special friends. I am sure many other dogs are being treasured very closely tonight...
A dignified ending - lived beautifully and adored to the last.
Thank you for sharing it all with us - you make me appreciate life, and Poppy, and enjoy the simple things of life at a time when there are many things to deal with. said...

How dogs can touch our hearts even when we haven't met them. Sophie's last days couldn't have been any sweeter, thanks to the love and consideration from you and the Font. I will hug my Border Collie very tightly before I go to bed tonight and think of Sophie.

50 and counting said...

Run Free Sophie!

You loved and were loved. A life well lived.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We have also toasted your family diva this evening. I've not forgotten what you said at Digby's passing, "there will be laughter and mischief in heaven tonight." I've no doubt whatsoever that is happening as I write this as Bob and Sophie are reunited, and other family members are there to meet her. God speed to Sophie. Thank you for sharing her, and your life together with us.

Leslie Piper said...

Ah Sophie. I opened a bottle of champagne and toasted her on the deck as a sudden storm raged on Lake Tahoe. Seems like the weather mourns our girl as well. Rest in Peace, darling Sophie. And rise in glory. A yodel of joy as she meets Bob again. Grace and joy flow in her wake.
Leslie Piper

Lisa G said...

My deepest sympathy. I hope all of our pets will be waiting for us at the rainbow Bridge when the time comes

Susan said...

I didn't realise until this morning, having missed yesterday's blog. You've handled it beautifully. I'm not surprised you are thinking of stopping the blog. It feels like a natural time. I was only a reader for Bob and Sophie's time, but I've very much appreciated it.

I was going to add an amused comment as a museum collections care professional, but now is not quite the moment. I did like how you articulated what needs to happen when a painting goes up in a public space though.

We will all miss our dose of Sophie, generously delivered in your very engaging style of writing. And I'm sorry you do not have happier things to go on to just yet, but I can see you will find comfort in many every day activities and that helps.

Anonymous said...

Tears. I remember Wilf. Time, it keeps passing.

Louise in Arizona

Jean said...

So sorry. We will miss Sophie.

Jan from Perth said...

RIP, Sophie!

Anonymous said...

Ruhe sanft, Danke fΓΌr Alles liebe Sophie !

Barbara aus Bayern

Diaday said...

Raise a glass to Sophie! Raise a glass to all the good yet to be realized, to all those little things that make life, life.

Raise a glass to Angus and the Font. Sharing your daily life has been such a kindness, lifting us up and smoothing out life’s frictions during your walks with your sweet diva. And like Champagne, you added sparkle to many peoples' days.

Thank you, bless you, cheers!

Anonymous said...

She played the staring role in her own life until the final curtain call. What a girl! We’ll miss her terribly. Your hearts must be breaking.

Sarah Carey said...

I have no words better than all of the lovely comments already written. You are so kind to share your days with the world and have been a daily part of my mornings for more than a decade, reminding me always to take note of the small kindnesses and pleasures of life. I was in tears with Bob's passing, and I am the same now with the loss of Sophie. With both sympathy and a toast to the wonderful diva.

Maudie said...

I am very, very sorry. Sophie will truly be missed.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Dear Angus and The Font, thank you for sharing your precious Sophie with us, her adoring fans. The way I talked about her to other people, they thought she was my beloved canine! I must confess, I felt like she was too. May the comments above, and all the glorious memories you have of Sophie, comfort you. Sending you hugs and love, Nancy from Atlanta

waterdog said...

Usually I find writing sympathy, thank you, and other greeting notes quite easy to accomplish. At the moment, I am at a loss. Others before me have expressed the thoughts of your appreciative public. I, too, have followed your blog since the early days of Wilf and Digby. Hard to believe the time has flown by. Your tender words prior to Sophie’s passing were especially endearing. Like other followers, a continuation of your blog that is a reminder of the simple events of a day will be much appreciated. Cheers to you, the Font, and Sophie’s memory.
JoAnn in Maryland

Kris said...

I know Sophie will be missed. I found your blog shortly before George got sick. I was heartbroken then and I am especially heartbroken now. What a joy it has been to watch your adventures with Sophie over the years.
I have loved her special talents for visiting all of HER “food vendors”.
A one-in-a-million girl.
I will be happy to continue to read your blog as long as you choose to share.
Kris from White Bear Lake MN

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams Sophie, a shining star so bright tonight.
Maybe you will meet my two pons and Tibetan terrier Rupiec Harri and Molly. You shall be reunited with your three brothers. So sorry for your loss.

Keir said...

It seems like yesterday that Bob and Sophie arrived. All the adventures we enjoyed. Thank you.

MLou said...

Like many other readers, I remember Sophie from her puppy days and loved reading about her extraordinary life. I am so sorry for your loss.

Taste of France said...

Catching up and so sad to see the inevitable. RIP Sophie.

Sbuckley said...

I have been reading your blog for years and years. Work has gotten a bit crazy lately and so I was a bit behind and thought I would destress by reading about Sophie's latest adventures and I find out that her bright light has gone out. Luckily most of my office mates are gone because I am crying for your loss and the loss of all my fellow readers.

Ms. Sophie was one of a kind and I will miss reading about her adventures. For her it is off to a new adventure where she will be with Bob again.

Know that my thoughts are with you and the Font

Poppy Q said...

Rest easy sweet Sophie. I have so enjoyed reading about your fabulous life. I too only just found out about her passing. I lost my beautiful Poppyq this week, so I understand the pain. Xxx

VirginiaC said...

My dearest Sophie, you will always be brought a whole new meaning to a faithful friend. What a diva you were will always be in our hearts. My sympathy to you Angus and Mrs. Font.