We pass two seagull chicks . They seem completely fearless and ignore us even though we're only feet away. Based on the spirited argument they're having they must be siblings.
Our belief that life in a small seaside town would be restful has proven to be naivete of the first order. Late last night three RAF fighters thundered off from the local airbase, throttles fully open, to intercept some Russian aircraft over the North Sea. Shortly after there was a cacophonous thunderstorm which soon had all the seagulls in town awake and 'chatting'. Central London was quieter than this.
To naivete can be added masochism. The builders show up at the house in town. They're super early starters. The new tenants arrive in three weeks and we want to get underfloor heating and new LED lights installed. This is not as straight forward as it sounds in a little medieval house built onto the underlying rock. A 'reflective' membrane has to be laid to stop the heat being lost. Angus stays behind to oversee the work while the 'The Font' heads off to work site #1 in the Volvo. It's hoped that the kitchen at 'The last wee house before Denmark' will be finished today which then only leaves the fitting of the wooden floor and some 'snagging' . Tomorrow marks a year to the day since we left France so who knows we may celebrate the anniversary at home.
One good thing about having the second firm of builders in is that the hideous Yves Klein blue decor in the ground floor bathroom will be painted over. This is not a colour for a North facing room.
Surely, this must be the peak Italian and Spanish holiday seasons. It would seem the entire population of Latin Europe has headed north to avoid the heat. Our morning walk, usually a solitary affair, isn't.
In what must be a one in a million chance the builders manage to find a parking spot right outside the front door. They set up a marble cutting table which is a source of amazement for passing tourists. They stop to have their picture taken with 'Bob' the builder and his team.
How handy having the loo in the shower.
It will be even handier when it's plumbed in!
Hari OM
Crikey, you're gluttons for punishment, the pair of you, having such works in two homes! Here's to it all being over and done with. As for the Perseids, I've been thwarted thus far, cloud being the ever-present situation around here... sigh... YAM xx
Wow! That's a bold blue for a small room. That would wake one up first thing in the morning. Happy Friday!
Other than the fighter jets, it is a different kind of quiet. One day last week I was at Fossil Butte National Monument,https://www.nps.gov/fobu/index.htm I stepped out of the car, and for a moment wondered if I had gone deaf, the most complete silence I have heard in years.
Whatever will you do after the houses are done?
I love the idea of celebrating your anniversary at home.
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