Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Get your skates on


There's an art fare in a near by village. Usually it's a sleepy wee place but for two weeks in August it bursts into cosmopolitan life as a hundred or so exhibitors descend .  Front rooms in cottages are given over to displaying canvases and sculptures. Cafes spring up on the quayside. French and German tourists wander around in the belief that this is what Scotland is always like. Families who would never give art a second thought stop and chat with potters and ceramicists. Dog owners chat with other dog owners.

In a garage doubling as a studio on a back street we stumble across an enameller ( enamellist ?) from Edinburgh. She's delighted to have visitors and takes the time to explain how she prepares her work for the kiln. 

A enamel crest on a goblet is designed for some civic function. I'm sure it's technically wonderful but a civic goblet is a civic goblet.

But some of her modern work is stunning. She's starting to experiment with 'tartan' designs. These are simply out of this world.

Further down the road that most quintessentially Scottish sight. A small independent ice cream shop.

The kitchen counters are in. The electrician installs the new lights above the doors  on the patio. He had hoped to finish off the conservatory roof but the electrical parts that operate the roof louvres are nowhere to be seen. Outside two painters work away. They are the sort of workmen that like to listen to music as they work. A joiner seems to be doing very little in the garden hut. The other firm of joiners who were supposed to show up and fit the shelves and door handles have delayed until Wednesday. Perhaps there will be more progress today ? Angus feels a grumpy 'get your skates on ' phone call to the architect will be needed tomorrow.

After a morning walk on the beach we stop off and listen to someone practising the organ for this coming weekends weddings. The sun is streaming through the windows and the old chapel is warm and ever so slightly musty in the comforting  way that really old churches are. This is being played : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5ZmEmzXtlY


Jake of Florida said...

How delightful! A village-wide art fair..Did you bring anything home?

WFT Nobby said...

Pittenweem, I think. Remember going down there about 10 years ago, and enjoying getting to snoop around all the old cottages as much as seeing the art displayed inside.
Best of luck with the architect.
Cheers, Gail.
PS Did Angus sample the ice cream?

Anonymous said...

My friend, Derek Robertson, is exhibiting. I hope you go back and see his work, Angus. He is one of the best wildlife painters in the UK

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...and I agree with Angus as to the attractiveness of the second goblet by the enameller - and wonder if it went home with him? YAM xx

Teena and Lala said...

I enjoy village events like this and agree that the goblet is rather fine. I think if I zoom in I can make out the artists name.

Coppa's girl said...

I've tried my hand at many crafts, but enamelling was one I missed out on. I couldn't find anywhere that taught it locally. Setting up to teach myself would have proved expensive. I love the effects that can be achieved with enamel. I too zoomed in and managed to make out the enameller's name. I shall Google her, and Derek Robinson and look at their websites.
The art exhibition sounds like fun, and as Gail says, a good excuse to have a snoop around the old cottages!
Did you buy anything from the enameller Angus? I remember you always supported the pottery fair in your little village in France.

Anonymous said...


Travel said...

Thank you for the visit along the coast, we needed it this morning. When we bought the house in Kentucky, it was new and nearly finished,based on my experience there was about a week's work to be done. When we returned a month later to move in, they started and did it all (well most of it) in a day and half while we waited for the movers to arrive. A lot can be done in a couple of days.

Gemma's person said...

Thank you for the tour. The church is beautiful. So full of light.

Megan said...

What a pleasant coincidence! Spent the day trying to decide where to hang a very large picture which my husband secretly bought for me on a visit to Pittenweem 15 years ago after I admired it. We have recently moved house and I am determined to find the perfect place for it.Nice to see the village again, thank you.