Monday, August 21, 2023



The farmers Jack Russells make their appearance at first light.  From the dressing room window they can be seen, line abreast, heading towards us down the farm track. Sometimes they walk, sometimes they run, but mostly they trot. En route there is a noisy detour while they chase a rabbit into the corn field. 'The last wee house before Denmark' now a regular part of their morning routine.

The four month old puppy  manages to squeeze through the bars on the garden gate, pushes the front door open with her nose and arrives in the kitchen with a ' Where's breakfast ?' expectancy. The older Jack Russells can't squeeze through the space between the bars and sit, impatiently, outside. 

There can be no doubting the Jack Russells consider this to be 'their' village.

A moment of late summer horror in the supermarket. On the magazine rack the first of the Christmas supplements. 

There's a scattering of cloud but the big storm seems to have passed us by. The weather forecast calls for temperatures in the mid-20's. This is just as well as the hot water heating system decided to give up the ghost in the middle of 'The Fonts'  morning shower. The first call of the day will be to the electrician.


WFT Nobby said...

Never mind the electrical 'snags', the puppy is just so adorable!

Teena and Lala said...

The lovely pictures of the scrumptious wee girl make up for the thought of Christmas!

Tigger's Mum said...

How could one not open the gate to imploring faces like that? The Font has our sympathy. Hot shower is one of life's great luxuries to be savored and enjoyed.

Virginia said...

I hope The Font's hair wasn't covered in shampoo? That electrician had better do the job right this time - or is it a plumbing snafu ?

Those little Jack Russells are delightful. I can see a "doggy door" is needed in that gate!! Or perhaps a little tunnel for them?

Jake of Florida said...

Such adorable photos!

Coppa's girl said...

Oh the "joys" of the aftermath of house renovation - water going cold in the middle of a shower is one of the worst!
Those pups would soon be encouraged to find a second home with me - they are adorable.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
... oh my... do I feel a pupdoption approaching??? Still under some anticyclone here; grizzly as all get out beyond the Hutch's window. YAM xx

Charlotte said...

Puppy is so precious.

Anonymous said...

Special delights today - gorgeous dogs and an amazing view. I have enlarged the panorama and positively drooled over the rock formations, clouds and sea etc, there is so much to see in your picture.
Wendy (Wales)

Travel said...

If a stray sausage is offered to the little visitor, he will be back every morning. Yes, a little early to start thinking about the holidays, though the limoncello takes a few weeks to develop flavor.

Anonymous said...

What a Happy faces to start my day!! Hopefully a sign of things to come.

Camille said...

The Christmas magazine brought me back to reality with a jolt, summer is indeed almost over. On a positive note, all the hordes of tourists around here will start to thin out in a week or so as they get their little darlings ready for a new school year.

Hopefully while unpacking you found this reader's favorite creche and also your sporrans. Robbie Burns night is looming. The Jack Russell faces melted my heart. Sausages for everyone!

sillygirl said...

Are you thinking of having some canines of your own for those cuties to visit?

Gemma's person said...

The doggies look almost like unreal stuffed animals.
Making oneself quite at home is endearing.
You are in a hurry to work out all the bugs in the remodel , I think that is a good idea, while a warranty is held.

Anonymous said...

Those Jack Russells are worming/squirming/trotting their way into your hearts:) Blessing they are.

Diaday said...

Haven't seen any signs of Christmas here yet but Pumpkin Spice everything is in full throttle mode. Yuck. The puppy Jack Russell is adorable. Imagine its disappointment when he or she can't fit through the gate any longer.

rottrover said...

I wonder if the Jack Russels were greeting the workmen each morning. It appears that you have a new morning routine! Nice to see 'your' coastline again. Our hurricane/tropical storm was 24 hours of moderate rain, a little wind and a lot of humidity. It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday.