Sunday, August 27, 2023

The world their oyster.


Sunday at first light. 'Puppy' and one of her elder sisters can be found in the garden. They're exploring the scaffolding that the builders have left behind.  Puppy likes to dig up potatoes. We find three of them on the lawn. All have been partially chewed. The Jack Russells continue to live in the firm and unshakeable belief that the entire village is their home. They also clearly believe that everyone they meet is part of their family.

A very Scottish morning. Sunshine and clouds. For the last few days the air has had  a bracing chill to it that hints that we're on the cusp of autumn. The first of the migrating birds are now sauntering south. The swallows leading the way. I've not seen one since mid-week. Give it another five days and our wee peninsula will turn into a major rest stop for the flocks of geese heading down to Africa. The first of them are already enjoying the 'gleanings' in the recently harvested wheat fields.

The farmers wife arrives in the courtyard. She has a high pitched dog whistle to call the Jack Russells. They race out of our garden, through the gate and burst like wild things into the corn fields. 'Puppy' carries a potato in her mouth. The farmers wife is heading down to the shore to swim. ' I've managed to get in the water fifty seven days in a row ' she tells us before adding  ' I might get another ten days in before it gets too cold '. It goes without saying that the Jack Russells love following her into the water.  


Jake of Florida said...

Puppy and her sisters must truly be en famille in the village. Sister isn't even wearing a collar.

Liz Hamblyn said...

In the rural New Zealand, Jack Russells are often the "house dog", whereas the Hunterway is the working dog.

jabblog said...

There will always be people who believe in the Loch Ness monster, no matter the evidence to the contrary. It does no harm and is a tourist attraction, no doubt.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...I worry for Puppy... raw tattie is best avoided for dogs; digestive irritant. I am spotting the odd yellowing of leaf around the Hutch. Seems about a month too early for me but hey ho... YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

Puppy has certainly made your home her second home - or are you just another stopping off place in a long list!
Agree with YAM - raw potato is not suitable for dogs - it's part of the Belladonna family.
Lovely skies in your photos.

Lisa in France said...

It's funny how when you read about something once, it suddenly begins turning up everywhere (or seems to). I started reading about Loch Ness just recently while researching possible day trips from Glasgow and was surprised to read how very large it is. And then this story about a new search for the Monster popped up: And now the more measured article that you've linked. Loch Ness is unfortunately too far for us, at least on this trip. We leave next Friday, so hopefully the weather will hold till then. It's raining and thundering in our part of France today, and the temperature's dropped by about 10 degrees overnight. Maybe it's good preparation?

Travel said...

The forecast is cooler (below 80) and rain the next couple of days here. A nice change.

Anonymous said...

Angus, just so you know, our geese go north, not south. (I’m doing it again. Sorry)

Gemma's person said...

If everyone had "puppy's" attitude, the world could be a better place. ;)

Jake of Florida said...

You are right to worry. Google and others say solanine in raw potatoes is toxic to dogs.