Sunday, February 11, 2024

Foregoing the coffee run.

High tides and powerful winds pummeling the coast. The wind is so strong that sponge sized lumps of spume are blowing off the sea onto the fields. The old second world war gun emplacement, positioned to be securely high and dry, has  angry waves lapping around it.

Work on the offshore wind farm has, for the moment, come to a halt. The supply vessels sheltering in the bay. Cormorants, disdainful of the elements, are enjoying themselves fishing. Is there any other seabird as masterful of storms as the cormorant ?

We forego the morning coffee run into town and decide to stay close to home. Despite the weather the village dog owners are out and about. The lady with the Irish Wolfhound tells us that the cinema in town had a full house , for all its showings, last night. The students bought tickets en masse to show their disapproval of the Tiger Woods / Justin Timberlake plans to turn it into a sports bar. This was a well meaning , but impractical, gesture. The place may have been standing room only yesterday but for the other 364 days of the year it's only ( at best ) 10% full. The manager points out that winter heating costs are now running at a couple of thousand pounds a month and the place is not so much losing money as haemhorraging it. Students have a glorious naivete when it comes to practicalities. Twas always thus and ( hopefully ) will always be so.

We didn't go to the cinema but we did watch two episodes of 'One Day' on Netflix. I thought this might be a soppy, plotless Valentines Day Romcom but it's so much better. The narrative catches up with the two never quite lovers on every July 15th from 1988 to the mid-2000's. Ambika Mod is an absolute star as Emma. It's so brilliant at capturing 'Englishness' ( although the first episode catches student life in Edinburgh ) that I wonder if it will catch on in other markets.

Have you ever seen a hotel with as many lanterns ? One of the less well known - but delightful- parts of Italy :


Coppa's girl said...

Looking at your photos this morning I don't think I'd want to venture far. I don't think the dog would either!
Not sure about the hotel....

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
It's a bleak old day here by The Hutch, too, though for once, there is next to no wind. Slightly spooky, to be honest... YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

We are having beautiful weather here today, but there is still a lot of flooding in areas closer to the sea. I actually never realized that cormorants are seabirds until you started writing about them. In Tokyo, I always saw them fishing in the moat around the palace, and they are also used for fishing in the rivers in Japan. I would like to see those Chinese New Year's fireworks. We were in Taipei for the Lunar New Year one year, and I thought that was something, and we also went to Naples for New Year's once and that was also really something, but nothing to compare to this. We have two dragons in our family, so we have high hopes for the year.

Travel said...

Stay warm and dry.

paphosmuseum said...

Yes. The gannet

Jake of Florida said...

How exciting your front-seat views of nature's daily changes. Today is such a dramatic contrast with your usual experiences. Best to stay in and cozy!!!

rottrover said...

A good day to sit in the cabin and watch the weather...