Monday, February 12, 2024

Storm damage.

It seems , if I understand what the 'youngsters' in the coffee shop are talking about correctly, that Taylor Swifts boyfriend has won the Superbowl.  Until now neither the Superbowl nor  Ms. Swift ( nor for that matter her boyfriend ) have registered in the frontal lobe of my consciousness. The students are better at recognizing what is truly important in the world.

Amongst the older generation of coffee drinkers in the cafe the conversation is more mundane. Everyone is in agreement that the weather this year has been 'unusual'.

Down on the beach the weekends spring tides have removed yet more of the protective strip of dunes that separate the golf courses from the North Sea. In places another four or five feet have gone.

The fences that were put up after Novembers storms have been swept away. You've got to feel sorry for the beach rangers who do their best to battle nature ... with little or no chance of success. They planted out 3,000 marram grass seedlings to stabilize the dunes after the last gales. I'm guessing that the majority of those seedlings are now somewhere out in the North Sea. 

There had been plans to rebuild the dunes with sand  dredged up from the shallow waters of the estuary. The work was due to start tomorrow but these plans have now been put on hold.

The lobster boats have been brought into the inner harbour to avoid the storms. There's a mist blowing in from the bay which makes everything look rather dull. The dog owners and their pooches are oblivious to the mist.

In town the Valentines biscuits are selling .... slowly. I guess there will be a sudden rush on Wednesday.

So begins a super quiet Monday morning in a small Scottish seaside town. Later today there will be the excitement of a delivery of wine from London. 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That's a big lump of sand to think about replacing... rethinking it (or at least delaying) seems wise to me. If serious about stopping the water, sinking big metal barriers might be the only really useful action. Accepting the flow of nature seems to be the greater challenge.

That Japanese exhibition looks very interesting - we shall, of course, expect reports! YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

I guess this means you're going to Japan! Ueno Park, where the museum is located, is worth visiting for many reasons - and I think you might enjoy the Ameyoko market adjacent to Ueno station. It's very colorful and has a long history. You will also be close to Yushima Tenjin, a Shinto shrine that has one of the most famous plum gardens in Tokyo. As to the Super Bowl, I think the unhappy MAGA males may have made a big strategic mistake when they decided the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce romance was a Democratic plot.

Travel said...

Sooner or later, the shore line will move in. Stay dry.

Jake of Florida said...

MAGA males don't seem to have the admitting-a-mistake gene though...

Diaday said...

My husband has been talking about golfing at St. Andrews. The way the beach is eroding, he'd better make those plans soon. Your super quiet Monday morning in a small Scottish seaside town sounds like a perfect start to the week

rottrover said...

I agree with YAM, dredging might be more effective if the rangers wait until spring. Often, at least here, the tides will bring some of the sand back...

WFT Nobby said...

Managing coastal erosion is problematic, and man-made interventions tend to have unpredictable and unintended consequences, either at the location where installed or further down the coast. Best of luck to beach rangers.