Sunday, February 18, 2024

Let them be saying.


Another lovely morning. The town busy with visiting families. Yesterday the local teenage rugby teams were out helping the rangers clean the beach. This morning the sand is looking very spick and span.  Overnight some idiots have been along and  done wheelies in their cars on the grass. The newly laid turf churned up and looking much the worse for wear.

Better weather means the golfers are back. Australian and American accents heard in the restaurants. The groundsmen are kept busy sweeping the greens. They studiously ignore the dogs that wander over to see what they're doing.

An arch with a carved inscription " They have said and they will say Let them be saying ".  Underneath it the date 1720.  I have no idea what this means but the Episcopal minister , on his way to open up the church,  stops to explain that it's a lintel from an old cottage. When the cottage was demolished in the 1930's the carving was taken down and put here.  It's written in Renaissance Scots and basically means People will have their own opinions but it's up to you to make up your own mind. An early warning of the dangers of disinformation. He thinks it may be the motto of Aberdeen university.

A house with huge windows. I'm guessing it was once an office for a firm of solicitors. From the ground floor windows it would now appear to be lived in by students.

Another closure. The dog friendly cafe has gone. This has happened suddenly. The notice in the window is very ' new age '. When we moved back from France a detour here was part of our morning dog walk. Its bacon rolls were much admired. I'm sure there is a 'story' behind this development. Is it the recession, changing tastes ( the Korean fusion cafe next door is always busy ) or some more personal challenge ?


Jake of Florida said...

I strongly disagree too. Life without chocolate would be almost as sad as life without dogs.

WFT Nobby said...

Remove the comma from the sentence 'No, chocolate isn't good for you' and it becomes a much more acceptable (if syntactically awkward) statement
Cheers, Gail.

Linda said...

The motto "they have said" was the motto of Aberdeen University's Marischal College when it was a separate university. Aberdeen had two universities at the time when the whole of England only had two. The motto of Aberdeen University as a whole is "Initium Sapientiae Timor Domine" (the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord). Aberdeen graduate here!

Coppa's girl said...

I strongly disagree too. Don't worry - that's just this week, next week, or next month it will be back in favour again. All things in moderation, although that's difficult when eating chocolate!
Sad that the dog café has closed - where will you take the future new addition to the family?

jabblog said...

So many people and their dogs will miss the dog cafe - such a shame.
Chocolate is one of the joys of life.

WFT Nobby said...

Thanks Linda, I'm embarrassed to say I didn't know that!
Cheers, Gail (Aberdeen University MSc and PhD).

Lizzie said...

Both the dog cafe and the barber shop? I guess change is inevitable.

Travel said...

I have read that the restaurant business is one of the hardest to make a go of.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure it’s the motto of the Debater, too

Anonymous said...

Thay Haif Said Quhat Say Thay: Lat Thame Say

Diaday said...

Life is sweeter with chocolate ~

Lisa in France said...

That's too bad about the dog friendly cafe - I imagine you might have been looking forward to adding it back into your morning routine if your household expands again. I do like the inscription, which gives me a feeling of calm if I happen to think of Tucker Carlson. On the other hand, I think I will just disregard that article about chocolate.

Anonymous said...

I’m following that quote and disagree with that article about chocolate. The guard video was wonderful.