Thursday, October 3, 2024

Cat cafes.

The Dunhill golf tournament is on. This explains why many of the marquees from the AIG Womens golf tournament have been left standing. Why go to the expense of taking something down when it will have to go up again ?  The town is once again packed with cheerful visitors and students enjoying the sunshine. Tonight the German ambassador is here to to give a speech on the long overdue improvement in Britains relations with its European neighbours. We shall be there.

On our recent trip to the States we quickly discover that dinner conversations about politics are a mine field. We restrict ourselves  to talking about cat cafes. We only see three of them on our trip but that's three more cat cafes than either of us have ever seen before. Angus reassures everyone we meet  that things in Yurp are just swell and that the Yew Kay hasn't gone communist under its new government.

We are taken to see the tomb of a famous Scot who 'founded' the US Navy. The tomb is decidedly OTT in an architecture on steroids sort of way.  From what little we know of the life of the founder of the US Navy he was a 'controversial' character. We keep this insight from the serious lady who shows us around. I feel we should be more awe struck than we are. The dolphins ( or are they porpoise ? ) that support the catafalque have wry smiles. 

Over dinner the serious lady observes that the US has always absorbed modern ideas from its friends. Revolutionary ideas from the French in the early 18th century, abolitionist ideals from the Brits in the early 19th. This is one of the nations great strengths. She's concerned that after November Russian and Chinese concepts could now become fashionable. This is an interesting take. She's also worried that there are those who think the Constitution needs a makeover.

'The Font' refuses to spend hotel prices on breakfast. We end up starting our days in places that don't see many foreigners. Angus always has a short stack with bacon. 'The Font' always has oatmeal. In our colour coordinated navy blue UniQlo outfits we stand out. The staff in these places are always efficient and friendly. Their service is impeccable. Our hotel in Georgetown wants to charge $60 for breakfast. This, surely, must be some sort of record ?


Jake of Florida said...

I really must get out more..Had to look up what a cat cafe is...only to discover there are several right here in Plantation. So glad you're back with lots of tales to share including that political conversations occur now mostly in personally identified safe zones.

Virginia said...

Holy Smoke, NZ$100 for breakfast!! I am with 'The Font' I just don't eat enough to justify anything like that. A good coffee and perhaps aa croissant would do for me. That's a long way off a hundred bucks worth! Glad to have you safely back - we now try to avoid even transiting through the States these days - we have much better options from NZ now - Qatar, Singapore are much ore appealing.

WFT Nobby said...

Oh how I love an American breakfast! And with blue a favourite colour, I am now feeling compelled to visit the UniQlo website.
Having lived in Scotland during the 2014 referendum (was it really over ten years ago?) I'm no stranger to to the idea that dinner conversations can become a political minefield....
Cheers, Gail.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gail. There is a dog cafe as well as a cat cafe in Aberdeen. Or, at least, there used to be.

It’s great that you get such internationalism in St Andrews. I had never thought about it before you move there, but what’s not to like?

Tomorrow, I am picking up a German friend from a cruise ship at Rosyth to take her round Fife. Given the Dunhill, we may avoid St Andrews.

Anonymous said...

You certainly had an interesting time and imagine going all that way to learn about a fellow Scot!
The concept of a Cat Café originated, I think, in Japan. My dog rather likes the idea of a café full of cats, even after I explained she wouldn't be welcome!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ye gods... and I thought the ten quid the last hotel I stayed in was a bit rich for the "continental b/f" that turned out to be nothing more than two bits of toast and a cup of tea... and neither of those of premium quality. YAM xx

jabblog said...

. . . and we complain about 'rip-off Britain.'
I've never been to a cat or dog cafe, as we have personal cats and dogs (!) but I wonder about the entrance/exit. There must be a double lock/porch to enable people in without letting cats out.

Lisa in France said...

I think cat cafes did indeed originate in Japan, although now it seems owl cafes predominate. Both seem kind of sad to me so we've never been. I also agree with the Font on breakfast - the place in your picture is very appealing to me. The only hotel breakfasts we've had that were worthwhile were enormous buffets we encountered in Malaysia and Singapore. My kids still talk about how many dumplings they managed to consume.

Travel said...

Then there are childless cat ladies for Kamala.

Anonymous said...

Hope that you enjoyed Chick and Ruth's Delly- they used to have a sandwich there named after my father (a local judge)!

50 and counting said...

We took a cruise out of Rosyth this summer. We really liked Dumfermline. A pretty town with friendly people.