Sunday, October 6, 2024

Wheat, ice cream and crab cakes.


Every time we're in DC we go to see this painting by Thomas Benton. How brilliant to paint wheat growing  in a field. There's no sky or horizon - just wheat as far as the eye can see. A simple subject but he layers on meaning in the broken stalks, sprouting weeds, golden fields and dark shadows.  Could anything be more American ? If I could own only one picture it would be this one.

The weather in DC was foul. Scottish humidity matched with Congolese heat. Ever on the look out for ways of making money the hotel had set up an ice cream stall outside. We reckon the ice cream sellers success rate with passing toddlers was in the high 80%'s. The hotels a/c had chosen this time to give up the ghost.

A discovery in DC. Chez Billy Sud - an old style French restaurant that attracts a local crowd. In a country that's keen on steak this place has some of the best. It has a Pouilly Fuisse on the wine list that's worth the detour. How is it some places like this manage service with efficiency and a smile while others barely manage any service at all ?

With 'The Font' suffering from the debilitating bug Angus has to fend for himself. He spends a part of a morning with a chatty lady fishing on a dock. She teaches him how to use frozen chicken to bait crab traps. The secret is to have a sacrificial piece that you throw ten yards into the river to gain the crustaceans attention. When one gets the scent they all get the scent.

After half an hour we've caught a dozen. This is the cue for Angus to move on. The lady would have happily had me as a trap baiting companion until lunchtime. When her bucket is full she'll haul the crabs down to a local restaurant and they'll be in the kitchen and  on the menu by dinner time. Thanks to this chance encounter I now know where you can get the freshest ( and best ) crab cakes in Maryland. 

Angus thinks of buying this sign but isn't sure it would work in the kitchen in Scotland.

Over breakfast 'The Font' informs me that many Copenhagen restaurants now serve their customers 'communally'. This eating together thing is apparently very popular. The restaurants are full and can cut their costs by only having one menu to prepare. This place is said to be good : while this restaurant is hipper and cheaper :  . From the pictures it looks like a very happy venue.  It is unlikely Angus will willingly be a customer at either venue although this latest trend is really just a buffet repurposed.

On the beach a group of 'young people' asleep on the rocks. A smattering of champagne bottles  and the remains of a driftwood fire hint that it's been quite a night. We don't disturb then although it won't be long before Puppy and her sister start on their morning tour of the village.


Coppa's girl said...

Not sure which sign you were referring to, but none of them strike me as being particularly amusing. Living on this side of the pond, I rarely find American humour funny - with apologies to your many American followers!
That little restaurant looks like a rare find

Travel said...

No AC in DC, about 7 months out of the year, is brutal. We live in a reclaimed swamp, it is always humid here. We need to try the restaurant.

Lisa in France said...

Very strong of you to resist the sign. Somehow things look different when one is on vacation. Although - we are finally getting around to hanging pictures in our house in France, and I have decided my office really needs a couple of Mexican bark paintings we bought on a journey many years ago.

Stephanie said...

Thank you for sharing the splendid Thomas Benton painting.

Jake of Florida said...

Each of your post vacation posts is a delight! The painting of wheat is stunning. As i looked at it I kept imagining a loved Puppy nose in between the stalks. And Pouilly Fuisse is a favorite wine. Our part of the state was spared Hurricane Helene but I fear we won't be so lucky with Milton.

Gemma's person said...

I want to know who the chatty lady on the dock is voting for??